Author Topic: Buni and Slut advertising and spamming the BLG Chat  (Read 4259 times)

Buni and Slut

Seems like Buni and Slut are being starfishs and spam the BLG Chat just join their "love School RP". They're also saying that if you don't have a girlfriend you can get one in their server which sounds disturbing for me.


BL_ID: 7222


BL_ID: Currently unknown...



support, i don't get how fried your brain cells have to be to think @ing every single online person is a good way to get players

if i was on that would be very annoying, any ways

why are they advertising a love rp, especially pinging random people that annoys me no matter what slut probably got buni to do this for some kind of bribe.

conclusion: they are annoying attention seekers that just want players so i'd say /support

the glass IRC chat loving sucks anyways. /support

/Support they keep advertising their naughty servers

u should join my server

i guess slut really is...

...a slut for players joining their server


ot : /support this is autistic

are all the vowels on your keyboard broken
y3s i got angry fr0m ev3ryone bully1ng me now nmy k3ybo4rd is br0k3n )^:

y3s i got angry fr0m ev3ryone bully1ng me now nmy k3ybo4rd is br0k3n )^:
well that is a lie as you forgot the o;s in got, now and everyone lol

also if this is 'true' how do you miss every OTHER key??

y3s i got angry fr0m ev3ryone bully1ng me now nmy k3ybo4rd is br0k3n )^:
that's it badspot ban this liar