Author Topic: what grinds your gears - too small to make a drama on  (Read 88238 times)

this thread is dedicated to things that are too general or too small to make a drama on.
example: a post a user made bugs you, you dislike someone for a very subjective reason, a thread is poorly made.

posts like gunnyz bug me. they feel very assholish and grand-stand-y.  why bother? wont op figure it out eventually? why dont you just ry to help out? even better, why not try to help him out *and* explain that hes posting in the wrong section.

he literally said what the dude did wrong and told him where to post what are you even complaining about

when people ask stupid questions when the answer is literally right front of them

the "you're not on my side so we have to fight to the death instead of coming to an agreement" argument tactic that shows up frequently in politics megathread and alot in drama

"SHUT UP YOU'RE A NEO-national socialist RIGHT-WING friend ASS!!!!"
politic thread in 2 sentences

nix the glaceon & master matthew grind my gears

so anyway swifthyena smells

when people join your server and say 1 thing and then leave

when people join your server and say 1 thing and then leave
jesus christ those people bugged the hell out of me

when people join your server and say 1 thing and then leave
this, and when they join and look at ur build and say something mean and act like they are better than ur build. I placed these bricks with my own hands and I love my build.