Author Topic: WHO recognizes gaming as a disorder  (Read 3534 times)

Isn't this a little excessive to declare gaming a disease but, not do the same for like gambling? Or is there one and I don't know it exists.

Every obscure news reporter ever

And some parents

that explains why we're all autistic

yes, being 'addicted' to gaming is unhealthy. like every other addiction.

Isn't this a little excessive to declare gaming a disease but, not do the same for like gambling?

well they think being a transmission isn't a disease so what were you expecting

brb gonna use up all my sick days to play video games B)

brb gonna use up all my sick days to play video games B)
i guess i can call in sick from school to play video games.

Being "addicted" to gaming is not a disease. There's nothing actually holding you back, like beer or other drugs. You have a disease, as its called, if you ONLY play games 24/7 without stop, and its called being addictive.

a more reasonable title might be closer to "gaming addiction medically recognized as disorder." gaming isnt the disorder. it's the addiction.

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Being addictive is the disease but being addicted to gaming is not a disease.

Being addictive is the disease but being addicted to gaming is not a disease.

this turned my brain into anti-matter thank you

hooray for the world health organization

whenever someone tells me gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness and they cite WHO I'll just point them to this