Author Topic: WHO recognizes gaming as a disorder  (Read 3557 times)

hey that pretty much describes me huh

So, someone who loves to compete and progress and frequently returns to their hobby to do more of that... is experiencing a disorder.

Read what I posted, it's a direct quote from the WHO ICD.

The biggest key defining characteristic of something being a "disorder" is (and this is a snippet from that): "the behaviour pattern is of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning."

If you enjoy playing games, that's not a problem
If you enjoy playing games to the extent that it's interfering with your life (like you lose your job because you're always skipping to play games) then that's a problem

does the who suggest treatment procedure cause i need one

for gambling there's apparently "gamblers anonymous"
maybe we should found gamers anonymous

does this mean this one kid in my school who got a steam account 2 years ago and already has invested 2,400 hours into terraria can now claim disability benefits

does this mean this one kid in my school who got a steam account 2 years ago and already has invested 2,400 hours into terraria can now claim disability benefits
he should, but because he has downs, not for the gaming addiction

he should, but because he has downs and not gaming addiction
i mean he will literally walk up to you and breathe over your shoulder for 15 seconds and then ask 'DID YOU KNOW THERES AN ACHIEVEMENT IN TERRARIA CALLED PHOTOSYNTHESIS'

i really wish this was all a ruse but this is a real human being

i mean he will literally walk up to you and breathe over your shoulder for 15 seconds and then ask 'DID YOU KNOW THERES AN ACHIEVEMENT IN TERRARIA CALLED PHOTOSYNTHESIS'

i really wish this was all a ruse but this is a real human being
yeah i mean he was probably mentally ill before playing terraria. the game happens to be his object of obsession.

time to tack this onto my list of ever growing mental problems. /joke

gaming is just like a drug addiction but it isn't a disorder

video games were invented to keep the feminized western "men" of modern times in escapist fantasies so they can be slaves to cancers like liberalism and feminism

video games were invented to keep the feminized western "men" of modern times in escapist fantasies so they can be slaves to cancers like liberalism and feminism
jokes on you,,, video games were invented by japanese people

for gambling there's apparently "gamblers anonymous"
maybe we should found gamers anonymous
hi my username is gr8dayseth and i'm a gamer

*plays tetris*
some idiot: stop playing that you'll get a mental disorder