Author Topic: WHO recognizes gaming as a disorder  (Read 3558 times)

video games were invented to keep the feminized western "men" of modern times in escapist fantasies so they can be slaves to cancers like liberalism and feminism

that's kinda true

if you don't think gaming addiction is real you're probably an addict who's deluded themselves into believing its okay

They targeted gamers. Gamers

The Liberals Have Declared War On Us Gamers
Let Them Come, I Say...

Read what I posted, it's a direct quote from the WHO ICD.

The biggest key defining characteristic of something being a "disorder" is (and this is a snippet from that): "the behaviour pattern is of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning."

If you enjoy playing games, that's not a problem
If you enjoy playing games to the extent that it's interfering with your life (like you lose your job because you're always skipping to play games) then that's a problem
it's people who neglect their actual lives to do so who have a behavioral disorder
Even still. You can replace video games with many other hobbies and have the same result.

Even still. You can replace video games with many other hobbies and have the same result.
if you're focusing on those hobbies enough that you neglect your real life then those would be addictive disorders too

if you're focusing on those hobbies enough that you neglect your real life then those would be addictive disorders too
Yes, that's what I'm saying. Why is this thing focused on gaming specifically?

does the who suggest treatment procedure cause i need one
they suggest becoming a pinball wizard

they suggest becoming a pinball wizard

i don't like this post

Yes, that's what I'm saying. Why is this thing focused on gaming specifically?
because of relevance presumably

Yes, that's what I'm saying. Why is this thing focused on gaming specifically?
Probably because a gaming addiction is becoming quite common compared to before and will require different treatment options than other kinds of addiction

The mainstream media is a disease.

The mainstream media is a disease.
someone post the handicapped looking pepe