Author Topic: The Nigerian Cunts  (Read 26165 times)

Just wanted to say that Mr. Bones is not me. My ingame name is bones with an umlaut over the o pretty sure.

then proceeds to say totally irrelevant stuff to make it look like there was a reason to spam me with mentions just because I didnt know he was killing me with a seawolf on a server half a month ago

Grimlock, if you read this, I don't care how much you hate me, or if you think there was a reason to do this, there is never a reason or excuse to think this is alright

noedit there are other pictures I still need to take, I guess there are about 12 more mentions

Holy stuff you're Sargon of Akkad?

Include me in the screencap for your next video

no he's clearly the ancient sumerian king

oh rally's in there too huh yea that explains a lot lol

@gr8dayseth Got any runes?

heh yeah forget that rally, habietual problm user...

you literally got kicked out of nc for acting like a handicap. Stay upset child
finally someone has some sense on this forum. Thank you
The thing is with the NC reject squad is that they’re so inept at trolling that they’re the ones getting upset. And toxicology wonders why he got booted from NC
I left because core NC membership realized how handicapped thot patrol had become and we decided against allowing trusted members to be affiliated. Turns out handicapped meming is autistic
I left on my own accord because of how autistic thot patrol had become
I’d been gone for months when you removed me from the OP. I know you’re just conveniently forgetting that right?
I read exactly what you said. It was made abundently clear in multiple discord servers that I had left. You just conveniantly ignore that fact because the NC reject crew is getting thrown into a wood chipper and this is all you can think of to defend yourself.
left the thot patrol as a clan, not a discord. I wasn't abundantly clear but it appears I really do have to be patient when dealing with people with autism.
here, I'll let you in on a little secret: on the internet, using autism as a blanket insult really only offends(or should offend) people that actually do have autism.
good god
thot patrol strikes again whatever will we do

autism unleashed
grandpas goin berserk

The thing is with the NC reject squad is that they’re so inept at trolling that they’re the ones getting upset. And toxicology wonders why he got booted from NC