Author Topic: RogueType - An in-browser roguelike game (v2.1.3)  (Read 12771 times)

how 2 kill king cobras :( [the ones that are marked with a Z]

v2.1.2 is here, just a small patch mainly featuring some improvements to the AI movement code.

- Removed brass knuckles because there were too many low-level weapon drops.
- Scroll of Disintegrate Weapon has replaced Potion of Disintegration. It just makes more sense this way.
- Improved AI movement code. Still no actual pathfinding, but monsters should get stuck behind things less easily now. This also makes their movement a bit less predictable. (Known bug: In some cases when a monster can't get to you they may seem to 'pace' back and forth as opposed to standing still like they used to. This can't really be fixed until I implement actual pathfinding.)
- The Massive Cobra monster now uses the "Ꭶ" character instead of "Z". (It looks better in-game I promise)
- Lots of minor tweaks and bug fixes.

how 2 kill king cobras :( [the ones that are marked with a Z]
Bring a strong weapon to kill them quickly, and make sure you have an antipoison ready.

is there a way to add custom items in our own gits and maps? or is that impossible lol

is there a way to add custom items in our own gits and maps? or is that impossible lol
Adding new items requires editing the item constructor in item.js (and optionally adding it to the drop tables in main.js). So, you'll have to run a custom copy of the game if you want custom items unique to your map. I could potentially make it possible to define some simple custom items in maps, though.

i remaked the nut (doom wad that loving tons of demon in it that cannot handle your computer) into roguetype.
(just add this map into your roguetype, not doing something with this file.)

Adding new items requires editing the item constructor in item.js (and optionally adding it to the drop tables in main.js). So, you'll have to run a custom copy of the game if you want custom items unique to your map. I could potentially make it possible to define some simple custom items in maps, though.

i saw the item file, was wondering if it worked. will it work if i click 'add' and upload my git to the website, or does it revert back to defaults. just wondering lol

i saw the item file, was wondering if it worked. will it work if i click 'add' and upload my git to the website, or does it revert back to defaults. just wondering lol
You have to run the edited game on your local machine. Copy the entire game into a folder, edit the file, and then open index.html in your browser to play it.

Since we can't necrobump anymore, I'm gonna have to bump this to make sure it doesn't get archived. I finally made a commit the other night, so there might be a minor release soon.

v2.1.3 is now public. This is a minor patch that primarily addresses a big performance issue that made certain maps practically impossible to run; but now you probably can run it. Yay. I also introduced a camouflage/invisibility mechanic.

- Did some optimizations to the message log, it turned out that making more than one or two messages at once caused far more lag than it should have. Fixed for the most part now.
- Added Potion of Camouflage. It basically just greatly reduces the effectiveness of enemy perception stats, it's not useful for disengaging when already in combat since most monsters will still be able to detect you from a one tile distance.
- Decreased the average starting charge level for weapon enchantments. Enchanted weapons now start with 10 - 30 charges (used to be 10 - 40) and cursed weapons start with 8 - 20 charges (also used to be 10 - 40).
- Made unenchanted weapons much more rare.

i hooked my bluetoof keyboard to my phone and surprisingly it worked
i  killed a giant bot (i think) got some potions that i didnt  do anything with petted a cat a  thousand times and got killed by a goblin
tip: when playing do not zoom in as this will hide the health bar and inventory which leads to your demise

I had thoughts about making a mobile version, but the UI is usually just way too cramped for it to be feasible.

I had thoughts about making a mobile version, but the UI is usually just way too cramped for it to be feasible.
Just have swipe to move and then a button that you can open your inventory with

Just have swipe to move and then a button that you can open your inventory with

I dont think this is possible with how the game is coded

EDIT: yes it is