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Author Topic: Got puppers today (driving home)  (Read 27860 times)

'ha durrrr i make fun of the dog breeders who make more money off of one litter of puppies than i do in half a year working my endless fulltime burger king drive thru job :iceCream: :iceCream: :iceCream:'

what the forget is wrong with you

Im expecting multiple bans in this thread if badspot still cares which he probably does not and people are exploiting this factor.

Seriously, we have both Darth who talks in autism and the low-effort trolls. 90% of the posts on this one thread are flaming. What has the BLF come to these days? In the older days of the BLF if Outpact or any hated user made a thread about something like his dog, people would like it and not flame it. Now even if you are liked its very likely thot patrol will come and stuff up the thread, then the Nigerian Cunts will join up on the "Fun" and then the whole thread turns into a flame war worse than politics.
I mean most of them were just trying to piss me off and it was p apparent, then it went to forget all

'ha durrrr i make fun of the dog breeders who make more money off of one litter of puppies than i do in half a year working my endless fulltime burger king drive thru job :iceCream: :iceCream: :iceCream:'
holy richards what a post. all the trolling attempts against you are basically valid now because you basically admit that your family capitalizes off of your dogs incredibly traumatic pregnancies

Imagine getting a companion and then letting a stud rape them just to sell the babies

Imagine getting a companion and then letting a stud rape them just to sell the babies

Why the forget wasn't your dog spayed in the first place? You realize there's a severe overpopulation problem in the world and 95% of stray dogs get euthanized because there isn't enough resources to keep them alive

(Makes fun of hard working minimum wage restaurant workers) HaHa! I'm better than you because I sell these intelligent animals for far above normal price after my last litter died entirely!! I'm not forgeted up, im just a DOG BREEDER! I'm gonna get 2 new fresh puppies to breed!

(Makes fun of hard working minimum wage restaurant workers) HaHa! I'm better than you because I sell these intelligent animals for far above normal price after my last litter died entirely!! I'm not forgeted up, im just a DOG BREEDER! I'm gonna get 2 new fresh puppies to breed!

You broke a rule

by that I mean you clearly didn't think before you posted that trainwreck

'ha durrrr i make fun of the dog breeders who make more money off of one litter of puppies than i do in half a year working my endless fulltime burger king drive thru job :iceCream: :iceCream: :iceCream:'
jesus loving christ Darth do you actually read what you post

i only drink canine breast milk. i get a dog pregenant every 5-6 months, wait until she starts producing milk and then start pumping. i get the puppy misscarried 6 months into the pregnancy everytime. i have the schedule synced up perfectly so i always have at least one dog producing milk at any given time. "but what about costs?" says the uneducated. i, an intellectual, explain that you pay about $3-4 for a gallon of milk. i use (at least) 2 gallons of milk per week (drinking or putting it into food). if i bought my milk from my local grocery, i would end up spending around $150 on milk every 5 month period. heres the kicker: it costs nothing to nut in a bitch. what about the misscarriages? health insurance covers it, meaning it comes at no cost to me. i am literally getting gallons of rich, high quality dog milk at absolutely no cost. my dogs are cream of the crop. they love me. i am their dairy master and i run the dairy scene in my town. ive considered opening up a business and selling this, making a profit out of my milk business. maybe in the future. maybe down the road. for now? my bones remain strong.

what the whole entire absolute genuine complete actual forget

dont forget it up again

ok yeah forget this
this is well needed