Author Topic: !NEW! Super Smash Bros. Megathread - bayonetta and cloud kappa  (Read 2014 times)


Welcome to the discussion hub for all games in the Super Smash Bros series

What is Smash Bros?
The Smash series consists of 4 games, a mod, and a fan game. All of them platform fighters with the goal being to knock all opponents off of the map. Differences emerge between games as some core mechanics are sometimes heavily tweaked or outright removed between iterations.

What are the games?

Super Smash Bros. (64)
The first and thus oldest game in the series had its debut on the Nintendo 64 and is much different than its sequels. Movement is slower, most or all characters have real 0-death combos, and shields are ineffective. The game has a small cult following and is still emulated and played online today.

The second game in the series and also the best selling game on the Gamecube for good reason. Melee ramped everything 64 did way up. Accidentally attracted a large following of competitive players because of its fast gameplay and technical depth. Has the biggest competitive scene of all the Smash games by far and can be played online with emulation.

Released on the Wii. What can be considered the developers answer to his distaste for the state of competitive Melee. Brawl was slower and floatier than Melee, combos were harder to pull off, and it was generally designed to be more casual friendly. It is still played competitively but matches focus much more on zoning and pokes than previously. Had online once but it was bad and went poof with the Wii's online services. Can still be played online through emulation (again). Most likely contender for smallest competitive user base. Strangely easy to modify for a console game which led to....

By far the most popular Brawl mod and the Melee community's answer to Brawl. Changes Brawl to play significantly more like Melee, including heavily rebalancing most cast members, readding wavedashing and other Melee techs, and even adding entirely new stages and characters. Large competitive scene but stifled because of Nintendo's distaste for mods. Can be played online from your Wii (they somehow kept up their online thing) or through emulation. Development halted due to potentially dubious and mostly unknown means but the game is still greatly polished and widely played. 

The most recent game and the first to feature decent online play, Sm4sh removed most of the Brawl jank while keeping most of Brawl's mechanics. Comes on two platforms with stage choices being the only major difference. Continually updated with patches and DLC characters and sporting a sizable competitive scene and endless people to beat up online makes it probably the easiest Smash game to jump into right now.

Notable Smash clone on steam that is actually pretty good and should get more publicity so its here. It tries to raise the aggression to new heights with many of Melee's techs but with easier inputs and a lack of shielding. Currently in early access but it is more than playable with online functionalities and a small but varied roster. Good to check out if you can't emulate anything listed or afford a Wii U or want something new. Obviously bring a Gamecube controller and adapter.

Who plays what?

PM me details and I'll add you

Smash 64
Char - Steam

Ultimamax - Steam
Koopascoopa - Steam
Ticonderoga - Steam
Nal - Steam
Waru - Steam
Kyro - Steam
Char - Steam
Destroyerofblocks - Steam


Project M
Koopascoopa - Steam
Ultimamax - Steam
Ticonderoga - Steam
Orange - Steam
Kyro - Steam
Char - Steam
Cysero - Steam
Destroyerofblocks - Steam

Sm4sh 3DS
Orange - Steam - FC: 2638-1466-0168
Cysero - Steam - FC: 2809-7484-2520
Waru - Steam- FC: 0018 - 1449 - 9881
BlueCreeper - Steam - FC: 4124-5086-5357
Plebian Native American - Steam
TeeOS - Steam - FC: 1092-0655-3742
Squidbee FC:2251-8128-0495

Sm4sh Wii U
Destroyerofblocks - Steam - NNID: Squibd
Koopascoopa - Steam - NNID: JZbiddy
Ticonderoga - Steam - NNID: SiriusBull
Orange - Steam - NNID: Skipmeister
Cysero - Steam - NNID: GrandeurCicero
Taboo - Steam - NNID: Naeggi
EnjoyedBen2002 - NNID EnjoyedBen2001
Nal - Steam NNID: nalnalas
Char - Steam - NNID: Sadcolor
Waru - Steam - NNID: baiomuu
BlueCreeper - Steam - NNID: Segameister

Rivals of Aether
Destroyerofblocks - Steam

Is there a BL competitive scene?
Sometimes someone in the thread will host a tournament for a game (usually Sm4sh) that is coordinated in the BL Smash Bros steam group. Join it to be informed if something like that pops up.
All BL tournament announcents will be in the thread title and links to them will be on the top of the op.

How to host/join tourney?
When you see a tourney announcement in the title just check the top of the page and click the link and register an account there to sign up. Join the BL smash steam group chat around an hour to 30 minutes beforehand so the tourney organizer can take attendance and set up easier. You must be able to join the steam chat or pm the tourney organizer at least after every match to communicate wins and losses for tournaments where participants cannot fill in their own matches. Try to play until you are out of the tourney or win if you can.

To host, make an account at and click start a tournament. Either rip the rules from a previous tournament or make your own. Specify the console and date and try to give a few days notice and set it for a weekend afternoon for the best output. Then, contact me so I can put the tournament in the OP. When it gets close to starting harass all the competitors on steam until they confirm they will join or are dropping. Once it begins the tournament runs itself except for the occasional rule breakers and gray areas.

You can grab the sort of adapted to online BL rules if you want below

Anything else?
Actually yes

Useful links - The premier forum for Smash discussion, contains a wealth of info for every game - Easy to use tournament bracket generator used by most BL tournaments we use this for like every tournament please use it its good - The largest Smash-based wiki, ton of specific info - Our steam group. Join up for info about tournaments and ect. - Hub for Melee and PM netplay - Melee netplay setup guide - Most recent official unofficial BL tournament rules list for Wii U
Suggest more and I will add them

Melee - Ultimamax
Smash 4 - Sadcolor/Destroyerofblocks

Many thanks to DestroyerOfBlocks for creating this OP but his topic was too old to post in anymore. RIP.

u made me think there was a new smash bros announced for a moment and now i am sad :(

i used to play brawl but too bad i lost the disk for it :sadface:

my internet is stuff now so i probably wont be able to defend my title :panda:

come to big house 8 and ill kick any of your asses

my internet is stuff now so i probably wont be able to defend my title :panda:

come to big house 8 and ill kick any of your asses

u gonna go to sns?

u gonna go to sns?
itd be really forgetin dumb for me not to go lmao

edit: wait i forgot its in wisconsin now. ill probably try to go but im less sure now
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 11:44:26 AM by ultimamax »

sm4sh 3ds problem I still can't quite figure out:
i'm at the edge. enemy mario is hanging from the ledge. I try to punch him as he comes up but he jumps up and back-airs me before I can touch him. do I back off and let him up or is there something I can do here?

sm4sh 3ds problem I still can't quite figure out:
i'm at the edge. enemy mario is hanging from the ledge. I try to punch him as he comes up but he jumps up and back-airs me before I can touch him. do I back off and let him up or is there something I can do here?

you can try to 2 frame him and he's touching ledge, or you react to one of his options from ledge (normal get up, jump, attack, roll). What character are you playing

anyone wanna play? NNID is Orblin

i'll join a melee tourney if there is one. all the good players at my school smash club stopped showing up

i guess ill join a melee tourney if there is one (even though i have little experience in melee)

i guess ill join a melee tourney if there is one (even though i have little experience in melee)

if you can wavecheat and fun-cancel then you'll be fine