Author Topic: The Glory Hole - Paranoia, private investigating, damage control  (Read 29063 times)

Bedpost told me to DM nudes he had to INH and tell them that they're Shazoos. So I did
"I was asked to dm nudes to a minor so I did" are you actually this loving dense?

ive said what i had to say and im out of this drama, sorry guys. i regret even posting because i didn't acknowledge my own actions from back in September. the only post of mine that shouldve been in this thread was my apology for encouraging beach's dox

They were bragging and trying to openly recruit people in voicechat. Maybe if you didn't have the memory of a pigeon you would remember that.

Oh look, more stuff coming out of your mouth, from what I specifically remember Nick only asked Nobot to join and then Fish and myself asked him if we could join as well. They were actually trying to keep as many people as they could to a minimum actually.

lying beach

Also beach is acting like his picture getting posted is such a huge deal, myself and many others witnessed in thot patrol's discord, they had an ENTIRE channel dedicated to insertnamehere's real life photos. And beachbum was one of the leading people in that channel posting his photos.

Also beach is acting like his picture getting posted is such a huge deal, myself and many others witnessed in thot patrol's discord, they had an ENTIRE channel dedicated to insertnamehere's real life photos. And beachbum was one of the leading people in that channel posting his photos.
those were all posted in post real life pictures of yourself and the difference is beach's real name was revealed
stop drinking the nickpb fruitpunch

Also beach is acting like his picture getting posted is such a huge deal, myself and many others witnessed in thot patrol's discord, they had an ENTIRE channel dedicated to insertnamehere's real life photos. And beachbum was one of the leading people in that channel posting his photos.
Except that inh has submitted his photos to the forums. Beachbum hasn't made a single picture of him public.

Oh look, more stuff coming out of your mouth, from what I specifically remember Nick only asked Nobot to join and then Fish and myself asked him if we could join as well. They were actually trying to keep as many people as they could to a minimum actually.

Looks like you are handicapped when it comes to your memory. They were actively shilling for their discord in VC and multiple people in VC were asking for invites.

myself and many others witnessed in thot patrol's discord, they had an ENTIRE channel dedicated to insertnamehere's real life photos. And beachbum was one of the leading people in that channel posting his photos.

Oh you mean those images he posted directly to the forums that we were using to make memes?

Hey lets not forget that Ide helped Maxx dox Grimlock and was planning on using Grimlocks information to get him kicked out of his college.  Ide is a pathological liar and a mentally deranged sociopath

there is a difference when that person posts the photo, than when an entire group harasses the user with it. They did it with masterlegodude and inh.

Oh you mean those images he posted directly to the forums that we were using to make memes?
if you're a grown adult that sits inside for most of your day slobbering over pictures of a 16 year old because you find them funny, that's how you live your life. you share out loving nudes to the same 16 year old, then I don't think you're in the place to call people mentally deranged.

there is a difference when that person posts the photo, than when an entire group harasses the user with it. They did it with masterlegodude and inh.

Maybe if you read the OP and used your loving head you would know it was more then that. As far as I remember INH is fine with memes made from his pictures.

You on the other hand actively wanted to ruin Grimlocks life and even now you have an unhealthy obsession with him.

there is a difference when that person posts the photo, than when an entire group harasses the user with it. They did it with masterlegodude and inh.

INH memes with his selfies all the time dude.

He loves posting his pointing a gun at the camera photos and using them to meme with.
INH gets harassed with a lot of stuff, people using his publicly available photos he himself joking posts and uses isn't scratching the surface of the harassment he gets.

I would continue trying to help you Beach, but I keep forgetting you don't want that.

You must have thought that that sounded witty in your head but in reality it makes you look like an idiot as usual.

You forgot to mention that that was about McZealot, not INH.

Also you keep sidestepping the fact that you wanted to ruin grimlocks life by getting him kicked out of College. I wonder why