Author Topic: The Glory Hole - Paranoia, private investigating, damage control  (Read 29008 times)

You must have thought that that sounded witty in your head but in reality it makes you look like an idiot as usual.

You forgot to mention that that was about McZealot, not INH.

Also you keep sidestepping the fact that you wanted to ruin grimlocks life by getting him kicked out of College. I wonder why

This was a reply to this

I would continue trying to help you Beach, but I keep forgetting you don't want that.

you share out loving nudes to the same 16 year old, then I don't think you're in the place to call people mentally deranged.
Don't act like you haven't seen research and jerked off to it.

Also you keep sidestepping the fact that you wanted to ruin grimlocks life by getting him kicked out of College. I wonder why

Nice, you're still stuffting out your mouth

Don't act like you haven't seen research and jerked off to it.
you say this as if it's meant to change my mind about grown adults purposefully harassing and sending nudes to a minor

Nice, you're still stuffting out your mouth

Yeah it's not like you lied about sending me that picture of Grimlock when he was 5.

INH memes with his selfies all the time dude.

He loves posting his pointing a gun at the camera photos and using them to meme with.
INH gets harassed with a lot of stuff, people using his publicly available photos he himself joking posts and uses isn't scratching the surface of the harassment he gets.

Idc about my irl photos, people can do whatever they want with them and I don't really care much, but they aren't the only thing people used, they've moved onto other stuff

What Nick did in Glory Hole was handicapped and immature as expected from him, and that whole "don't post anything out of Glory Hole" rule is a really stupid, practically cultist, mindset to have within your super small clique.

However, Beachbum, you're also at fault because first of all this is old news, this happened months ago, so why bring it up now? Most people, including Nick himself, could care less by now. Secondly, if your private information is posted in Discord, report it to DISCORD STAFF, this isn't even a Blockland issue aside from the fact that it has Blockland users involved. Thirdly, if your private information was posted, you should try to keep that on the down low otherwise people might want to continue spreading it.

Making this drama wasn't a very good idea, all it does is sorta shed light on Nick's stupidity, which most people should've already known existed by now.
Not taking Nick's side, neither Beachbum's. This whole situation is forgeted.

However, Beachbum, you're also at fault because first of all this is old news, this happened months ago, so why bring it up now?

In the blocklander of the year thread his buddies were defending him private investigating me. It's the mentality of that whole group.

Secondly, if your private information is posted in Discord, report it to DISCORD STAFF,

You don't think I did that? They did nothing.

However, Beachbum, you're also at fault because first of all this is old news, this happened months ago, so why bring it up now?
because it came up in another thread
this isn't even a Blockland issue aside from the fact that it has Blockland users involved.
how does that not make it a blockland issue? that is exactly what makes it a blockland issue
Thirdly, if your private information was posted, you should try to keep that on the down low otherwise people might want to continue spreading it.
sounds vaguely like a threat lol
Making this drama wasn't a very good idea, all it does is sorta shed light on Nick's stupidity, which most people should've already known existed by now.
so what exactly is your issue with the drama? maybe it will have no long term impact. but I don't see any issue whatsoever with showing bad behavior from a (semi-)former member of the community, particularly an instance that was not well-known before. if you're "not taking nick's side", I can't see why you would have a problem with the thread

Actually if you got to that thread, Beachbum is the one that brought the private investigating up.

If you go through the page 46-49, you can see no one talked about private investigating until he said it. Again why did you wait so long to make the drama?

what does waiting have to do with it
nick investigateed beachbum and that's what the drama is about

so someone investigateed beach but beach did something with hootaloo or some stuff?
this thread is like following the hotline miami story but the levels are loving randomized

when is the nuke gonna come