my good friend's internet is dying

Author Topic: my good friend's internet is dying  (Read 985 times)

his internet speed has been killing itself, getting slower and slower (right now at 4 megabits per second download), but as far as we know it's only on his new laptop
he's on an alienware 17 r4

we can't install new internet drivers since the internet is too slow for him
what do

Uhm download the drivers and put them on a floppy disk.

his download speed seems to have stabalized at about 1.5-2 megabytes per second.
i guess we'll live with it.

Uhm download the drivers and put them on a floppy disk.
using floppy disks in 2018
i see you're a man of culture.

1 to 2 megabytes a second? that's my speed on a good day