Author Topic: [MODELLERS] What to do with our models after the end?  (Read 2926 times)

When Blockland eventually dies (don't give me that look, it's going to happen sooner or later), what will all the add-on makers, specifically modellers, do with our resources? They represent months, perhaps years of cumulative work in a style that is quite unique. I'm wondering if there is any other use for models made in this particular style of modelling.

absolutely nothing. i'll probably recycle some of my models for a different game or some stuff

you modellers have it easy—at least models can be transferred to other projects


i thought low poly stuff was the newest meme

If I was one I'd recycle like PhantOS. Or give them all out for templates/usage for anything

Port them to the Source Engine

in the best of scenarios probably give them/ sell them to developers or use them for your own but its more likely they'll just collect dust

Port them to the Source Engine

or goldsrc
the low poly would fit it better imo

texture 'em first though

blockhead sven coop model when

blockhead sven coop model when


It's interesting, Ive been keeping a log of all the models Ive made so far and Ive been able to dip into my Blockland models to use as placeholders for assets in other projects. The fun thing is that at this point my back-log is large enough to fill it's own game. The fact that they are all stylized around the same theme just adds to it.

Also, a few of my Blockland models are in my working portfolio right now.

I'd be pretty stumped, after all my models were pretty much meant for BL. Maybe I'd try to move towards a more realistic style and learn to draw textures.

coders would definitely have it worse though

I feel like Blockland's blocky low-poly style is not explored in games by any margin. You either have low poly models that try to look smooth but look horrible, low poly models that have textures on them or very low poly models that are literally just blocks. A lot of modelling styles fit for Blockland feel like a great balance model wise in multiple aspects. That being said they could be exploited as their own thing, given time and resources, which probably many don't have anyway.