Why is "african american" referring to only black people?

Author Topic: Why is "african american" referring to only black people?  (Read 389 times)

This seems like a bastardization of the english language.

African americans are black people born in america that has descendants that were born originally in africa.

Well what if a white man was born in africa and then had white kids in america? Are they too african american?

But it's "offensive" for white people to claim they are african american. Kinda weird how the continent Africa only represents black people which is false.

its not even accurate, "african" americans are on average about 25% european

lord tony, 2018: why can't I call myself african american?

lord tony, 2018: why can't I call myself african american?

If I were born in africa I would technically be african american regardless of skin color.

Wanna bring back the N word?