Author Topic: First Finished Build - A Small House  (Read 3645 times)

I made this to just get it out of the way.

dont post stuff just to post stuff in gallery
ok build

dont post stuff just to post stuff in gallery
ok build

the forget dude guy made a house what do you got against him

dont post stuff just to post stuff in gallery
ok build
Try to recognize that we all have different skill levels in this game.  There is no need to criticize someone else's build simply because it's not the best build out there. 

it's a good start, could be improved by some unique feature to make the build really "yours" if you know what I mean. But do keep it up!

the forget dude guy made a house what do you got against him
just report and move on

good work op! i've never seen a build like this before, with a building inside a building in this manner.

good work op! i've never seen a build like this before, with a building inside a building in this manner.
Thanks! My best intention was to make the walls feel very utilitarian as if you were able to easily move them in any arrangement desired.

Better than my first finished build, you have a lot of potential dude keep making stuff

excuse me but what the forget are you all smoking

im saying you shouldnt just make something in 10 minutes or even an hour just to slap it into gallery as "your first project!!!"
you would be able to show your skill by actually putting more time into it than just "need for gallery... gotta be quick"
it's a good start, could be improved by some unique feature to make the build really "yours" if you know what I mean. But do keep it up!
ya like that you could add more cool stuff but you just built it real fast to put it in gallery and not as your own project for yourself
and its not like i told him to stop building forever i just said the build is ok

Very nice,
For a first build it's pretty good.
(Better then what I've seen most new players build lol, including me)

excuse me but what the forget are you all smoking

im saying you shouldnt just make something in 10 minutes or even an hour just to slap it into gallery as "your first project!!!"
you would be able to show your skill by actually putting more time into it than just "need for gallery... gotta be quick"ya like that you could add more cool stuff but you just built it real fast to put it in gallery and not as your own project for yourself
and its not like i told him to stop building forever i just said the build is ok

you do realize you showed a very toxic behavior

im saying you shouldnt just make something in 10 minutes or even an hour just to slap it into gallery as "your first project!!!"
you would be able to show your skill by actually putting more time into it than just "need for gallery... gotta be quick"
Gallery isn't a competition, forget off with your attitude. Despite what you think people are allowed to build for fun, and stop when they feel like it. There is no standard anyone has any reason to uphold in gallery, its about showing off your blockland creations.

Despite what you think people are allowed to build for fun
preach brother, I wish more people understood this

really default-ish, makes me nostalgic

i   l i k e    i t