Author Topic: officerzach 'discussion topic'  (Read 5711 times)

One of my issues with him is how he sees criticism and being a douche as one in the same. Modelling is hard and he's made a valiant effort at it, but when people give him criticism, he thinks we're outright attacking him, but we're not.
The other issue, and this is strictly my opinion that I am not saying everyone has to agree with, or that I would enforce to the end of time, is that his art is dreadful. But that can be improved upon.

He isn't malicious nor is he a problem-user; why is this even something that needs to be discussed? All it'll devolve into is, "Herf derf, iraqi anime, make x from y anime" and zach sperging if he even decides to post here. Just leave him be for christ's sake and he'll do his own thing and not bother anyone.
The problem is, some of us don't like going to add-ons just to see piss poor catstuff posted in there by people like this kid. Also, he brags about using userblock scripts, which is bannable from last I saw. Honestly praying he gets banned.

werent you just mad at him for his nonacceptance of criticism and not his addons bones

so you hope that he gets banned because he bragged about a userscript one time and you dont like his addons?
huh, I'm sure that you'd rather want to help him make better addons instead of hoping for a ban

Me and others when we were this kids age weren't defended to hell and back like he is, we were given stuff and often banned and came back later - hopefully having learned something. Why is he getting some special treatment, because he's young? Just because he's a kid doesn't mean he gets a pass to be a tard.

werent you just mad at him for his nonacceptance of criticism and not his addons bones

so you hope that he gets banned because he bragged about a userscript one time and you dont like his addons?
huh, I'm sure that you'd rather want to help him make better addons instead of hoping for a ban
He did it more than once, and I can't help someone that refuses to be helped.

Me and others when we were this kids age weren't defended to hell and back like he is, we were given stuff and often banned and came back later - hopefully having learned something. Why is he getting some special treatment, because he's young? Just because he's a kid doesn't mean he gets a pass to be a tard.
If Raccooner didn't get a "special tard pass" for being handicapped, Zach most likely isn't either. I also agree with what Grassy said where he can't handle critique very well which is annoying as forget but it doesn't mean he can't improve later.

PS: I don't intend to defend him with this post.

dude youre awesome
aw thnx :)
but yes do what pompmaker said!
Me and others when we were this kids age weren't defended to hell and back like he is, we were given stuff and often banned and came back later - hopefully having learned something. Why is he getting some special treatment, because he's young? Just because he's a kid doesn't mean he gets a pass to be a tard.
back in my day we had to walk 15 miles uphill both ways through the snow to get to school and we liked it that way!
besides he's gotten enough stuff already tbh

are you claiming as a grown old 60 year old man you wanna climb up hills for 15 miles because you liked it

ngl i honestly would wish that he would listen to at least some of the criticism made cause i lowkey feel like zach could make a good mod that'd actually be worth downloading instead of all of this baragin bin leveled addons.instead he just kinda like...well..doesnt listen to anyone unless they say thats its just good or something like that.
also uh if youre readin this zach, im sory bout the stuff i said some time back i suppose.

if he was actually a little kid i'd be with seth but 13 is way to old to be acting the way he is

tfw an autistic 11 year old can actually rig models and animate them unlike me

stuff sucks man I wanna learn :c

if he was actually a little kid i'd be with seth but 13 is way to old to be acting the way he is
i mean he said he has autism

i mean he said he has autism

so does everyone else on this forum

he's just doin his best