Author Topic: Darth C3P0: EVERYONE I DONT LIKE IS A TROLL  (Read 38999 times)

What kind of selective vision must you have to not see any of the posts that are trying to help you?
I do, but the thing is that I also see the negative posts, which I am just being bombarded with, so when I reply I look even more handicapped.

this is nix all over again

ignoring advice just to keep on responding to trolls and bait

What kind of selective vision must you have to not see any of the posts that are trying to help you?
It's called down's syndrome.

I do, but the thing is that I also see the negative posts, which I am just being bombarded with

this is literally a drama thread about you

when a lego forum stresses you out
1. i loving hate probably 90% of this forum and the only thing that keeps me here are like the twelve people i actually like. i think my whole problem with this place is that everyone here has probably overstayed their welcome. this game was made over a decade ago and the only reason you're still here is because you bought it over a decade ago
2. everyone is perma'd after one ban and have to either buy a new key or forget off
3. negative is completely subjective and too broad. are beachbum and zach in the same catergory? probably not
4. unadulterated grandstanding and moral superiority. you're not better than any of us, so forget off
5. i don't take this stuffhole seriously at all and people interpret that anyway they want
detailing why i hate this place doesn't mean i think in better than the people here. i'm in the cesspool i hate


darth honestly there's nothing here for you. take a hiatus


difference is i'm not handicapped enough to let a site where people stuffpost genuinely affect my mental health

difference is i'm not handicapped enough to let a site where people stuffpost genuinely affect my mental health

That's debatable. You are pretty much spending valuable hours of your early life making fun of a kid on the internet.

That's debatable. You are pretty much spending valuable hours of your early life making fun of a kid on the internet.
This. Red Spy's self awareness level is zero.

how does that tie in to self awareness in any way

how does that tie in to self awareness in any way

What's worse: Continuing to respond to a thread solely to mock a kid, or continuing to respond to a thread because you're being mocked?

i know we've all used the 'but it's a lego forum! for 12 year olds!' argument, but ike, red spy, bones, everyone else, you still spend time on here. so don't act like you're so above everyone else because your posts are on the fringe and make waves
if it's a dumbass lego forum full of stuffhole people that bully kids, then leave.

imagine spending your teenage years harassing children on the internet

the only time i use the lego forum argument is when people get worked up about stupid stuff i.e. zealot, darth etc