Author Topic: I might have ADHD  (Read 1096 times)

I don't know what to do, I've been having a hard time focusing in class, but end up getting lost in thought or distracted one way or another, same happens outside of class sometimes too

is there any way to solve this?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 08:39:22 PM by Jefferson Block »

I just realised in the process of making this post I am procrastinating forget

doing self diagnose adhd

Save some money so you can pay Attention

try restricting your internet usage/recreational screen time to like 2-3 hours a day before going with the nuclear option

also stop watching research

doing self diagnose adhd

I just googled symptoms and I fit pretty much all of them forget

try restricting your internet usage/recreational screen time to like 2-3 hours a day before going with the nuclear option

also stop watching research
jokes on you I don't have anything to use
I seriously need to do better
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 08:37:31 PM by Jefferson Block »

i can google my cold symptoms and it'll tell me i have ass cancer
go to an appropriate doctor and get medication
OR get some self-discipline. it's easier said than done, i know, but really. your life will suffer if you cant get your mental issues in check

you will grow out of it eventually
i hope

you will grow out of it eventually
i hope
that's great and all but its a current problem, especially with my final period with everyone being annoying as forget