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Author Topic: Crazy Girl Thread  (Read 4971 times)

can confirm was the knife

thats gay if your the knife cus he flashed you

He could tell on them for stalking and taking photos and etc
so im pretty sure mommy and her special lil daughter dont wanna get in any trouble for the alt right to execute order 66
that's stupid. stalking people is nothing compared to physical assault lmao. The latter can get you sued for mad money

that's stupid. stalking people is nothing compared to physical assault lmao. The latter can get you sued for mad money

well i mean if the mom has a autist in the family chances are the moms fairly autistic too. Just a guess though

Actually forget that fake ass story how did he manage to assault two people and not even be suspended?
I did get in trouble, the spec ed mom works for the school in some learning department.

I did get in trouble, the spec ed mom works for the school in some learning department.

why the forget would you punch a teacher, bad idea also any more of that story or naw

Hope you enjoyed this, BLF. It was a pain to write. (She never came back.)
Belongs in ycyl. Also that girl reminds me of Sugar's obsession with Yawa200 or whatever.

that's stupid. stalking people is nothing compared to physical assault lmao. The latter can get you sued for mad money
yeah but its not entirely unjustified. most people who exhibit this kind of creepy behavior usually dont want people to know about it (a court case would expose them big time in the local community) and on top of that since its not totally unjustified the worst fizzy would get hit with is a minor fine or some community service, so there wouldnt be any point spending thousands of dollars for that.

and christ, what a story. bizzare but true.

Yeah I don't doubt all the story just the part about where he punches the mother in the side

Yeah I don't doubt all the story just the part about where he punches the mother in the side

If I can be 100% honest, I kind of exaggerated the hit. It still would have hurt and I was actually afraid of her doing something to me.

either way boomsticks is right, get a restraining order. shouldnt be hard given your text logs with the girl. if you dont have enough proof collect more.

either way boomsticks is right, get a restraining order. shouldnt be hard given your text logs with the girl. if you dont have enough proof collect more.
My one issue is that everything creepy that happened wasn't online.

either way boomsticks is right, get a restraining order. shouldnt be hard given your text logs with the girl. if you dont have enough proof collect more.
boomsticks alt not boomstick silly