Author Topic: What is the hottest food/thing you've ever eaten  (Read 4395 times)

i forgetin hate that im addicted to the brain tingling feeling that wasabi gives

sean evans if you're reading this i challenge you to a no milk hot ones challenge, pusillanimous individual.

haven't drank milk since i was 8 lets go boy.
if you arent lactose intolerant yet you dont drink milk you need to rot in hell

A ghost pepper tortilla chip, dared to eat the entire thing

I did but holy mother of forget that bitch was hot.

Second hottest is Tapatio hot sauce because I'm not used to that stuff, I am used to Valentina and Cholula and they don't burn at all

if you arent lactose intolerant yet you dont drink milk you need to rot in hell

it runs in the family. i don't drink creamer in my coffee because of this.

if you arent lactose intolerant yet you dont drink milk you need to rot in hell
milk is loving nasty by itself i dont understand why people drink it straight

if you arent lactose intolerant yet you dont drink milk you need to rot in hell

my friendo stole my chocolate milk and said he was lactose intolerant and ran away. either the milk is fake or he is lie

milk is loving nasty by itself i dont understand why people drink it straight
this like ew

milk is loving nasty by itself i dont understand why people drink it straight
milk is amazing why you brothers hating on it you may as well not like titties

A ghost pepper tortilla chip, dared to eat the entire thing

I did but holy mother of forget that bitch was hot.

Second hottest is Tapatio hot sauce because I'm not used to that stuff, I am used to Valentina and Cholula and they don't burn at all


a few years back my stepdad bought this fandangled new hot sauce called AFTER DEATH SAUCE. yes, it's made by blair's. yes, it's hot as forget.

he told me to try it and i was like fine lets go and do this. i grab a blue corn chip and i tap the bottle a little and a whole stuff ton of sauce comes out. i said forget it and gave it a go, my eyes got really watery and felt like death a little but i'm still here!

i really need to grab a bottle of mega death or the last dab. forget.

milk is amazing why you brothers hating on it you may as well not like titties
i dont

milk is amazing when used for other things or modified


a few years back my stepdad bought this fandangled new hot sauce called AFTER DEATH SAUCE. yes, it's made by blair's. yes, it's hot as forget.

he told me to try it and i was like fine lets go and do this. i grab a blue corn chip and i tap the bottle a little and a whole stuff ton of sauce comes out. i said forget it and gave it a go, my eyes got really watery and felt like death a little but i'm still here!

i really need to grab a bottle of mega death or the last dab. forget.

record/post image of it

record/post image of it

i don't have the bottle anymore because my stepdad and i ate it all (we're crazy forgets) BUT i do have proof i did have the bottle...from 4 years ago.

im bored and playing VVVVVV and every time i die i take a dab of a spicy af hot sauce
im sweating

im bored and playing VVVVVV and every time i die i take a dab of a spicy af hot sauce
im sweating

i keep a bottle of something hot on my desk for this reason :^).

i'm glad i became addicted to this and not crack.