[Player] Sergeant Keroro (REFINED)

Author Topic: [Player] Sergeant Keroro (REFINED)  (Read 7038 times)




added no-jet version for deathmatches


Bot holes added

« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 03:09:52 PM by OfficerZach7551 »

already addon of the year my dude

But what was refined? Because from the look of it the model is the same.

But what was refined? Because from the look of it the model is the same.

*added voice clips
*fixed postioning of limbs
* tail bump thingamajig added
*camera doesnt clip through ground when crouching

for the love of god please fix the shading and the mount0 rotation

can you make his hat a hatmod hat too pls

this actually looks good, maybe try the other characters with this model like the hatpack

No. According to the Keroro Wiki (dont say its false, ive watched the anime before):

"Keroro usually ends his sentences with de arimasu (であります, de arimasu), which roughly translates to 'that is it' and is a standard military sentence ending."