Author Topic: [NEWS] School Shooting at Florida High School  (Read 25561 times)

somebody inside took a snapchat of a dead teacher/student in a pool of blood with the caption "#pray4douglas"

what the forget

what the forget
weren't most shooters on some type of mind altering drug
it's always either money love or drugs so yea

somebody inside took a snapchat of a dead teacher/student in a pool of blood with the caption "#pray4douglas"

what the forget
welcome to the 21st century

weren't most shooters on some type of mind altering drug
ok and? that doesnt invalidate anything i said. it just expands the discussion about solutions and how to implement them to include such drugs

ok and? that doesnt invalidate anything i said. it just expands the discussion about solutions and how to implement them to include such drugs

i wasn't talking to you...?

i wasn't talking to you...?
o ok mb

wouldnt be surprised if they were, even if it wasn't part of the reason they went and did it. not uncommon for people to take drugs to steel their nerves

Just let teachers carry or put armed guards at schools. Or address the mental issues were gonna find out this kid had.


as a Boy who lives in florida i can guarantee that this state is probably the most toxic, especially in high schools. its forgetin testosterone central down here.
are you sure you arent just a friend

Apparently CIA are claiming responsibility for this shooting???

Apparently CIA are claiming responsibility for this shooting???


lol what the forget an nbc was interviewing some kids and one of his questions was whether they knew anybody that got injured. bitch do you have any tact

Just let teachers carry or put armed guards at schools. Or address the mental issues were gonna find out this kid had.


what if he's just a huge bowie fan?

what if he's just a huge bowie fan?

What does this even mean?

lol what the forget an nbc was interviewing some kids and one of his questions was whether they knew anybody that got injured. bitch do you have any tact

It's NBC of course there's no tact. Modern day reporting is stuff.