Author Topic: Left 4 Block Gamemode issues with imortal zombies...  (Read 1450 times)

Hello there I recently purchased Blockland and I started working on a server, sadly I'm having some issues with a Gamemode that I'm using. The Gamemode is the Left 4 Block Zombies, everything is working properly except the zombies don't die when shot, I'm using ''40k Imperium Weapons'', there's anyway to solve this issue and make the zombies take damage from the weapons?

I'm not sure if Left 4 Block works correctly nowadays. I haven't tried it in ages, though.

you could try switching to Zapt (zombies are people too) but i never tried it

you could try switching to Zapt (zombies are people too) but i never tried it
zapt no work

So what will be the best way to do it? Like has I said everything is working except the bots don't die... I don't think that's a issue with the weapons, and I want to keep the Left 4 Dead infected to have variety. I tried with Slayer but the bots don't seem to work. :/

Also make sure friendly fire is enabled - this was an old bug in the mod that was never fixed