Are there any discord servers left?

Author Topic: Are there any discord servers left?  (Read 1439 times)

I remember like a year or two ago when discord first came out there were 15 million blf discords to choose from and I joined one and didn't participate and got removed about a week later.

Now I don't see any topics for any discord servers anymore. And I wanna actually join and participate in one now...

Are there any left? Any that would let met in? Or should I, dare I say it, make my own?

sorry only cool kids™ allowed in the Fank

never forget
discord is the fish tank

never forget
discord is the fish tank
this is why i love fish tank
tbh that server is only vaguely related to bl anymore, most everyone there has as good as quit

this is why i love fish tank
tbh that server is only vaguely related to bl anymore, most everyone there has as good as quit
the fish tank was the one I was booted from lmao

all I remember is baneposting with badspot once. then he confused me with another joe who apparently hosted a really good rp, but I told him it was someone else and he was really disappointed lmao

The Blockland Content Creators Discord is exclusively Blockland content AFAIK.

this is why i love fish tank
tbh that server is only vaguely related to bl anymore, most everyone there has as good as quit
they wont even let me into the fish tank

this is why i love fish tank
tbh that server is only vaguely related to bl anymore, most everyone there has as good as quit

I got kicked for having an opinion about starbound :((((