i miss the tuna jar...

Author Topic: i miss the tuna jar...  (Read 4468 times)

holy mother of pagestretch do img width=640
oh my god what is the size of your monitor

oh my god what is the size of your monitor
about two and a half limericks

oh my god what is the size of your monitor
You shouldn't sound surprised that a forum full of young'ns and neets can't afford 1080p monitors

Heck, laptops barely have 1080p monitors

Also, people browse the forums on their phones too

oh my god what is the size of your monitor
640 is mobile safe, my phone screen is 720 pixels wide, plus its a comfortable width
my whole life i actually used 1080p but recently moved to 900p as i no longer have a built in monitor

[im g]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/549/Dolan.jpg[/img]
you will never be funny grimlock

handicapped brothers be like Nigerian Cunts has high standards

when you're still upset over being booted from the nigerian cunts

19 year old brothers be like i troll lego forums

when you're still upset over being booted from the nigerian cunts
i was never in nigerian cunts old man

i was never in nigerian cunts old man
virgin brothers be like

aw, is the nc reject upset?
this sounds like it's supposed to be an insult but I'm not sure I see how it could be
19 year old brothers be like i troll lego forums
you mean to tell me this mother forgeter is 19 years old? since when do we got BABIES up here

grimlock be like "me funny"