Dead End (Trial 3, for real this time)

Author Topic: Dead End (Trial 3, for real this time)  (Read 2843 times)

check his truck for stuff to use & check out your engine or smth

Most of the cab's contents appear to have fallen out with the driver. It appears to all be garbage and fast food wrappers.

You crawl inside only to find that there's nothing of use in here. You decide to check the man's pockets to see if you can find any form of identification.

You do find a wallet, but apparently this idiot didn't bother to take his drivers license with him or anything. All you find is two dollars in cash. You put the money back into the wallet and tuck it in your pocket. You wander back to the trailer, hoping to find answers there.

Some trucks have a sticker on the back that reads "How's my driving?" and then there's a phone number you can call. This truck doesn't appear to have anything like that on it, instead it has the typical "IF YOU CAN'T SEE MY MIRRORS I CAN'T SEE YOU" and "TRUCK MAKES WIDE TURNS" stickers. You decide to open up the trailer.

Nope. Not even that is a possibility. The metal bars have been completely frozen to the doors, meaning you can't open them. Frustrated with these results you tip your imaginary coffee cup hat and walk back to the car.

The car is still smoking. The most you can do is hope it still works. Your husband Dale is more of a mechanic than you are.

You get in the station wagon and turn the key. The engine revs a few times annnnnd...


The car is completely busted, meaning that your both stuck in the middle of butt-loving nowhere. This is really not your day huh?

make a snow fortress and start life anew as the king of snow mountain

make a snow fortress and start life anew as the king of snow mountain

enable sv cheats and noclip home.

do we have any phone service

You get back out and pull out your iPhone. Nope, no service. You decide to run and jump into the snow.

You then hear footsteps.

"Mom what are you doing?"

initiate straight shota

what the forget i was playing as a bitch the whole time? forget this im unplugging my ps4

kill that dumb bitch and loot her

tell your daughter to learn what a comma is (,)

also eat that dead guys corpse

stab her she knows too much and is a burden on your life

realise you're going insane