Author Topic: Furby Adventure Specatcular enemy design submissions  (Read 4083 times)

Hi guys I'm working on a game~ I'm using scratch to make a cool my Little pony simulator please donate sprites <3
Id make it in lua but I don't know how.... Anyways please ignore my lack of experience and competence and help me!!!

the manual is full of exploitables

goddamn it wallmaster stop loveually assaulting the bunnies

Hey it's that floating head with hands boss that's in every Nintendo game

Gamemaker is the only game designing software i know anything about, i cant use visual basic, c++ or anything, what the hell do you expect me to use
gamemaker studio 2 is free to download and uses pretty much the same stuff as the previous versions you know

gamemaker studio 2 is free to download and uses pretty much the same stuff as the previous versions you know

I tried importing a GM8 game into gamemaker studio and there was a forgetton of errors because sometimes updates can cause problems.

will the game be free or do you have to pay

will the game be free or do you have to pay

It will be released on Gamejolt for free.
Most people make games for just profit, I make them for the fun for me and everybody else.

Hi guys I'm working on a game~ I'm using scratch to make a cool my Little pony simulator please donate sprites <3
Id make it in lua but I don't know how.... Anyways please ignore my lack of experience and competence and help me!!!

How about you for today

how dare you bring my lack of experience and competence into question in a professional environment! away with you