Author Topic: Can't change my resolution  (Read 933 times)

I was going through Advanced Settings to fix my FOV and clicked "Apply" when my screen changed to some bullstuff super small square. I can't figure out how to change it as I can drag the screen out to make it bigger nor can I change the Resolution in the Graphics settings. I tried to switch to Fullscreen and back to Windowed but it didn't help. Anyone know if I can fix this and why my resolution magically changed from what I liked before?

And no, sorry, I don't know what my resolution was before.

I'm running BL on Steam through Wine (on Ubuntu)

You can open your console using ` and use the command setRes(width, height);, it should also stay the same resolution when you quit.

You can open your console using ` and use the command setRes(width, height);, it should also stay the same resolution when you quit.