Author Topic: Darth C3P0 part 2: still acting handicapped as ever  (Read 32797 times)

youre 2 years older than him
And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.

thanks for the advice man but i think i know what is and isn't a good job lol
You haven't experienced anything, what would you know exactly? I think being on TV shows is better than being underaged and unable to do anything other than school.

And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.
youre not making yourself look any better

And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.
You implied that you were though

also drydess is a smart 15 year old i think he knows what's good and what's bad at this point in life

And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.

learn to calm down

You haven't experienced anything, what would you know exactly? I think being on TV shows is better than being underaged and unable to do anything other than school.
i don't want to pull the classic "you don't know me" but forget off and take a look at who and what you're defending here. ever since i was a little boy ive always wanted to work in a cubicle for the rest of my life. don't ruin my dream mom.

i don't want to pull the classic "you don't know me" but forget off and take a look at who and what you're defending here. ever since i was a little boy ive always wanted to work in a cubicle for the rest of my life. don't ruin my dream mom.
i'm sorry sir but god said you have to become an astronaut

i am a proud atheist. begone jesuscigarettes

I am a proud satanist. begone jesuscigarettes

I am proud mother of 3 kids. begone jesuscigarettes

And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.

shining example of maturity right here

You're 15, you don't even know what a life is yet.
You haven't experienced anything, what would you know exactly?

being underaged and unable to do anything other than school

hello incredibly toxic personality

And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.
You haven't experienced anything, what would you know exactly? I think being on TV shows is better than being underaged and unable to do anything other than school.
man I feel sorry for the chaps that have to see you in school everyday

*snorts and pushes up glasses*

And? I didn't say I am a working adult who knows what life is actually like. Learn to read you cigarette.
You haven't experienced anything, what would you know exactly? I think being on TV shows is better than being underaged and unable to do anything other than school.