Author Topic: Eli Roth's "Death Wish" Remake gets torn apart by politics  (Read 5026 times)

(Character Here) with arsenal of guns has to (insert plot point here) to save (insert character or thing any sane human wouldnt bother saving here) because (insert important figure that may be himself here) told him to commit genocide on some random ass dudes with guns until (BIG GUN MAN HERE) gets out his MASSIVE THROBBING GUN and almost kills him until he doesnt and (Protaginist Here) saves the day with 19 life sentences

Sound like any movie you have heard of?

are you not doing the same thing by calling the critics out for their bullstuff? for all you know they could be right, you haven't seen it

when the criticism they're levying has nothing to do with the movie then no I'm not

People who say "politics isn't relevant to film criticism" don't understand criticism

It's like if you only evaluated Dr Strangelove by saying "good performances, funny script, loved Kubrick's direction" and you didn't talk extensively about how the film portrays Cold War paranoia to a tee and satirizes the idea of mutually assured destruction. Highlighting a film's cultural and political relevance is actually good.

yeah no if a film is the most boring loving movie with the blandest acting of all time and the most nonsensical stuff but it has the most beautiful political message ever told it's still not a good movie

People who say "politics isn't relevant to film criticism" don't understand criticism

It's like if you only evaluated Dr Strangelove by saying "good performances, funny script, loved Kubrick's direction" and you didn't talk extensively about how the film portrays Cold War paranoia to a tee and satirizes the idea of mutually assured destruction. Highlighting a film's cultural and political relevance is actually good.
Yes, but there is a massive difference between observing the political messages a film makes, and condemning a film for containing political messages you don't like. The problem is that most Rotten Tomatos film critics - as evidenced by the content of their reviews - are giving the film bad ratings because it's politics don't agree with their narrow-minded worldview.

This is again the classic problem with the far left/social justice crowd - they're all for diversity, except for diversity of opinion and intellect. Anything that challenges their identity politics narrative is to be labeled, slandered and shunned in their eyes.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 12:36:42 PM by Planr »

Do we have any evidence that this movie is a critique of the modern gun argument, or is that just something that people are projecting onto it?

Also wasn't Nuke just talking about how fake movie reviews weren't a big deal like 3 weeks ago?

This is again the classic problem with the far left/social justice crowd - they're all for diversity, except for diversity of opinion and intellect. Anything that challenges their identity politics narrative is to be labeled, slandered and shunned in their eyes.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, just don't expect your opinion to not be challenged

Do we have any evidence that this movie is a critique of the modern gun argument, or is that just something that people are projecting onto it?

from what I've seen from critics I trust (Angry Joe), the movie is just a B-rate action flick. Not good but not 13% on Rotten Tomatoes, and in very vague throw-away terms political

Also wasn't Nuke just talking about how fake movie reviews weren't a big deal like 3 weeks ago?

are you saying these top-notch well-respected movie critics are political trolls in the same way a small group of political trolls were political trolls
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 01:55:25 PM by Tactical Nuke »

this movie doesn't have any important n-word people so i don't like it. thanks for the redpill op

i have to tell the boys on reddit, ooooh they won't believe this story

from what I've seen from critics I trust (Angry Joe),

>trusting Seven Dollar Sanchez