Author Topic: nix the glaceon - loving insane  (Read 56535 times)

you go out of your way to antagonize a whole bunch of people lol

oh yeah i do it constantly it's practically 24/7

oh yeah i do it constantly it's practically 24/7
That and the stuffposting although I think that's at least partially because you're dumb

wait what am i doing nix is self admittedly obsessed

yeah all those times i go out of my way to antagonize ike. its really tiresome
oh yeah i do it constantly it's practically 24/7
That's a mighty fine hole you're digging for yourself

Unova did create a FurAffinity account so if that doesn't say anything about him being a closet furry idk what would
I dont really care to be honest call me whatever

I dont really care to be honest call me whatever
are you a furry or not

Up for interpretation but I just said I don't really care go wild

its a simple yes or no lol

Up for interpretation but I just said I don't really care go wild
if u know that everyone hates u and u make no attempt to change why havent you left the forums yet im curious

its a simple yes or no lol
I can't answer it though
1. I have no fursona
2. I don't actively view furry stuff
3. The time I created the account was my first contact with furaffinity, beforehand I just knew the name and look from pictures a friend sent me


1. I created an account on furaffinity
2. I regularly talk to a friend I have from here who is a gay furry
3. I have no problems with curries, curries, buries, slurries or whatever

That's why I said it was up for interpretation

if u know that everyone hates u and u make no attempt to change why havent you left the forums yet im curious
It's like witnessing a car crash. You are shocked and surprised for a while but you can't stop looking. I'm basically desensitized to anything anyone who still bothers to tell me off says at this point. If I leave it'll be on personal merit or because I want to get away with something and not want to see what people say. For example, a year ago I would have been angry if you called me a furry, but it's honestly not an insult on a forum where one of the oldest users is one and 40% of the userbase is either a furry, or a closet furry. Why are you still trying to ask me this stuff D?

Up for interpretation but I just said I don't really care go wild
masterful deflection

I can't answer it though
1. I have no fursona
2. I don't actively view furry stuff
3. The time I created the account was my first contact with furaffinity, beforehand I just knew the name and look from pictures a friend sent me


1. I created an account on furaffinity
2. I regularly talk to a friend I have from here who is a gay furry
3. I have no problems with curries, curries, buries, slurries or whatever

That's why I said it was up for interpretation
It's like witnessing a car crash. You are shocked and surprised for a while but you can't stop looking. I'm basically desensitized to anything anyone who still bothers to tell me off says at this point. If I leave it'll be on personal merit or because I want to get away with something and not want to see what people say. For example, a year ago I would have been angry if you called me a furry, but it's honestly not an insult on a forum where one of the oldest users is one and 40% of the userbase is either a furry, or a closet furry. Why are you still trying to ask me this stuff D?
the only thing that makes you a furry is if you say you are
all these conditions dont matter at all

oh yeah i do it constantly it's practically 24/7

the only thing worse than a tribal is a monday
ok why do you have a glaceon doll
i'm guessing you also viewed them ironically
replace splatoon with furry and this is you
are you handicapped
what about inflation or inverted starfishs
why did you come back though
hey nix i thought you left
why would anyone want any of our accounts
get a life

Why is this argument still going on? honestly this is the newest low this forum has gotten, people arguing about furry special interestes then being in-denial about it. What's worse here is the people that are digging themselves the the hole those being Nix and red spy. How the forget have they not been banned yet? they are the literal definitions of clusterforgets on this forum that shouldn't be allowed here 

have you not learnt either to not show your dogstuff here either?

ok why do you have a glaceon doll
It's a loving special interest, that stuff is personal we all have that, why is this such a big deal? does Nix's special interest disturb your everyday activities? are you failing to function adequately?

Do inflatable toys make nix hard or something