Author Topic: The music production & Composition (mega)thread  (Read 12109 times)

building a pedal board. after $500 including utility pedals and cables and a power supply and the board itself (i already owned the DS-1 and flashback) i don't have anything that changed my sound. but it's so nice to have my pedals in one place.

here's my routing plan:

the board i purchased is slightly smaller than what i planned for but i'm pretty sure all of the pedals that i currently want should fit on there in a nice compact way. btw the pedal in the top right of the plan is the moon canyon pedal. it's so freaking cool and i can't wait for mine to ship. the different effects on it light up different phases of the moon in the center. also, I'm using the LS-2 to blend a clean signal with a chain of effects in case anyone was wondering what it's doing there.

I've already spent way too much money on this for me to even think about buying the infinite jets pedal any time soon but it's also a really sweet pedal.

what pedals ya'll got?

New setup.

And yes, stuffty image. My phone camera doesnt focus anymore but you can vaguely see whats going on.
Mackies CR4's
Steinberg UR22 Mk2
what pedals ya'll got?
Im poor and I buy digital pedals
its for bass only tho so eh

(since we're on the subject of hardware layouts and this thread could use a bump)

Designed a rack case for some of my equipment (click image for more pics); Hopefully I'll get around to building it eventually. I've got a rack-mount mixer being delivered later today and nowhere to put it, so that will hopefully encourage enough to actually build this thing sometime soon.

got my band logo all set up

keep in mind i downscaled it alot so it isnt page stretching

van farinn is old norse for endangered because its SOOOOOOOOO metal amirite

the poor man's version of collecting equipment: hoarding samples from old module files

speaking of which, does anyone else use a tracker? OpenMPT is pretty great

Anybody get SoundSpot Nebula and AIR Music Technology Hybrid 3 for free from Plugin Boutique?

the poor man's version of collecting equipment: hoarding samples from old module files

speaking of which, does anyone else use a tracker? OpenMPT is pretty great

i love OpenMPT
i've never really used it for serious stuff myself, but it's nice for both making and listening to various modules (.xm, .it, .mod, .s3m, etc.)
much better than using an old DOS PC (or DOSBox) and running FastTracker II or something similar

Anybody get SoundSpot Nebula and AIR Music Technology Hybrid 3 for free from Plugin Boutique?
if i had any storage on my laptop i would check it out :egg:

if i had any storage on my laptop i would check it out :egg:
If you have a Plugin Boutique account it's bound to your account so you can keep it forever (as long as the site remains in operation).

Got myself a Sennheiser urbanite wireless for 55% off AND PAPA BLESS DAS GOOD stuff.

Planning on getting an AT m50x or m40x for my for production tho because frequency response. But for playback the sennheiser is loving great.

uh anyone do orchestral stuff?

Anyone know any portable/cheap-ish tape recorders where I just simple plug it into my pc or something like that

Need it for some experimental stuff

Anyone know any portable/cheap-ish tape recorders where I just simple plug it into my pc or something like that

Need it for some experimental stuff
Are you talking about one with USB? Because so far all the cassette players I've heard of with USB connectivity were pretty stuffty and only carried playback audio over the cable. What's your definition of "cheap-ish"?

Are you talking about one with USB? Because so far all the cassette players I've heard of with USB connectivity were pretty stuffty and only carried playback audio over the cable. What's your definition of "cheap-ish"?
Yeah, but I have a walkman for playback. Just need to write to the tape.
I found a site where I can buy costum casettes for 15 quid just to try this particular thing out.
Altho if I am going to use it more, a recorder would be usefull.
<100 is cheapish
« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 02:28:39 PM by espio100 »

>100 is cheapish
You shouldn't have too much trouble finding something in that price range, just search craigslist and ebay for "cassette field recorder" every once in a while until something comes up that fits the bill. There's a working Marantz PMD101 for about $30 on ebay right now, although if stereo operation is something you want I think that particular model might only record in mono. To get audio into it from your computer all you'll need is a 3.5mm to RCA cable which can be bought from Amazon for around $5-$10 depending on the length you want it at.