Author Topic: YouTube temporarily shuts down conservative channels "accidentally"  (Read 7763 times)

tfw you make an alt to poison the well

lol backpedal harder

yeah lol you'd like to think that's what I'm doing

>>>sargon of akkad isn't right wing
how the flying forget did you come to this conclusion
by watching his videos

it's capitalism. suck it, pussies

They've put Sargon of Akkad's new videos into "censorship mode" now - in this vid he was criticizing the communist party in China attempting to consolidate power around their dictator president, and criticizing radical muslims who are indoctrinating children to hate non-muslims. Apparently this fair and legitimate criticism must not be allowed to be spread and heard because it's "offensive to some audiences"
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 07:26:44 PM by Planr »

lol that's the video I got the "china banned the letter 'n'" news from

They've put Sargon of Akkad's new videos into "censorship mode" now - in this vid he was criticizing the communist party in China attempting to consolidate power around their dictator president, and criticizing radical muslims who are indoctrinating children to hate non-muslims. Apparently this fair and legitimate criticism must not be allowed to be spread and heard because it's "offensive to some audiences"

"censorship mode"
in this vid he was criticizing the communist party in China attempting to consolidate power around their dictator president,

I don't think that criticism of Muslim orthodoxy necessarily falls under Islamaphobia in the same way that I don't think criticism of the Westboro Baptist Church or hardcore evangelical fundies counts as hatred towards Christians.

I'm not at a space where I can actually watch the video, but assuming he's not just blanket-stuffting all over Muslims for the actions of a few fundamentalists (like most of these Youtube philosophes tend to do), then I don't agree with blocking/censoring his videos.

They've put Sargon of Akkad's new videos into "censorship mode" now - in this vid he was criticizing the communist party in China attempting to consolidate power around their dictator president, and criticizing radical muslims who are indoctrinating children to hate non-muslims. Apparently this fair and legitimate criticism must not be allowed to be spread and heard because it's "offensive to some audiences"

Is this supposed to be a bad thing

tbh the only people that watch sargon of akkad are batstuff crazy in the first place