Author Topic: Good Things to do When Bored  (Read 3699 times)

Thoroughly rinse out a glass cleaner bottle.
Prepare some blue Kool-aid.
Put the Kool-aid in the bottle.
Go to a mall or something.
Spray some of it into your/friends mouths.

Stick your tongue in a plug
Suck a pipe of exhaust
Make some toast in the tub
Nail yourself to a cross
Hold your breath till it's gone
Drink a gallon of mace
Be gay in Iran
Let Oprah sit on your face
Jump off of a bridge
Skinny dip in a flood
Sky dive attached to a fridge
Drink a Haitian guy's blood
Break into the zoo
Give a tiger a shove
Eat a Phillips head screw
Marry Courtney Love

I don't know how I forgot about SSMNHDBLJSSDBGEM

look at blockland rule34

Real answer:

You gotta cleanse yourself by doing something of actual fulfillment, even if it's boring. This will make even moderately interesting for-fun activities way more enjoyable. So for real take a class or something, get a job, when you do have free time it will be higher quality.

Stupid answer:

Let ice cubes melt inside your back door.

Hang out with friends IRL.