Author Topic: i have to sit in a poopy pants seat  (Read 1874 times)

could you have possibly given this thread a more infantile name
I did it.

maybe you should talk to the principal/teacher and explain the situation? just be like "the kid that sits there has hygiene issues and i do not feel comfortable sitting there" and she'll probably agree with you and move you somewhere else / burn the chair
my teacher legit knows that I dont like it, like i sit on the edge. hes also a very mean teacher, so asking him in person would just result in me getting yelled at cause the kid "cant help it"

why dont you jsut move the desks? or sit in a different seat?
we cant sit where we please

my teacher legit knows that I dont like it, like i sit on the edge. hes also a very mean teacher, so asking him in person would just result in me getting yelled at cause the kid "cant help it"
you should actually tell the principal or your parents because a public school intentionally exposing students to poor hygiene is against the rules

Also mention the student who doesn't shower because they can suspend him until he exhibits proper hygiene. It's pretty offensive to live that way and he should probably learn why before he grows up and gets turned down from every job

you should actually tell the principal or your parents because a public school intentionally exposing students to poor hygiene is against the rules

Also mention the student who doesn't shower because they can suspend him until he exhibits proper hygiene. It's pretty offensive to live that way and he should probably learn why before he grows up and gets turned down from every job
even if i were to say that, they're still gonna yell at me cause he has a disorder. but i dont think having bladder issues is a reason not to have good hygiene.
im just gonna get my mom to email my teacher

i don't think incontinence is a disorder, i think your teacher just really hates you

I think I've fixed this, earlier it got so bad that i just moved into the seat in front of me. He didn't seem to care, but we were testing

Literally loving ask your teacher to remove the smelly desk? Threaten to tell your parents? Teachers these days are worried about keeping their job: if the teacher does nothing/says "don't worry about it" tell him/her you're going to discuss this issue with the office. If she/he doesn't stop you/fix the desk go to the admin building before/after school and explain the situation in detail.

Or just bring some Lysol Wipes to class and clean the desk-chair

op's balls havent dropped

Literally loving ask your teacher to remove the smelly desk? Threaten to tell your parents? Teachers these days are worried about keeping their job: if the teacher does nothing/says "don't worry about it" tell him/her you're going to discuss this issue with the office. If she/he doesn't stop you/fix the desk go to the admin building before/after school and explain the situation in detail.

Or just bring some Lysol Wipes to class and clean the desk-chair
he's complaining about the kid in the seat, not the seat itself.

just tell the principal.

op is literally like 10
OP, have you tried explaining the situation to your teacher? they're a person too, and if give him the explanation you gave us there's a pretty decent chance he'd listen. having good relationships with your teachers is one of the most important things you can do in school, so it's important you learn how to do it now.