Author Topic: cant change my profile picture?  (Read 2145 times)

really confused because ive actually been on this forum since 2010, and back then everything worked fine.
I understand the 75x75 75mb limit stuff but still I cannot upload a profile image. so if I can get some assistance that’d be great.

You can post the image as a post, it might have metadata preventing the change. Try and export it, if it fails post the image

You can post the image as a post, it might have metadata preventing the change. Try and export it, if it fails post the image
its just this, i even exported it in and stillll doesnt work

It doesn't work because that image is 706x705. Must be 75x75 or lower.

I understand the 75x75 75mb limit stuff
75 mb limit? um heck no.
the filesize limit is around 10-20 kb. the dimensions for the image are 75x75, but as visolator said your image is 100 times that size

crop the part of the image you want or resize it to 75x75, if it still doesn't work try converting it to a .jpg or resizing it to 74x74

i think you can only have like 256 colors in a profile picture

i think you can only have like 256 colors in a profile picture
This is a limitation only of gif files and is completely unrelated to the issues with avatars on the forum.

right click and save this image and use it for your avatar, I tested and it works

the filesize limit is around 10-20 kb
Its actually more than that, somewhere around 200 KB for gifs not sure about regular pics tho

Woops, forgot to embed the image - wish this board had a quick edit