
if the did you join in the walkout

I didn't know about it

Author Topic: did you participate in the walkout/walk for our lives  (Read 12135 times)

I think the point is to address one part of the problem, and once that's taken care of move on to the other part.
imho if you take away guns, they're just going to find another way to cause harm, be it knives, bombs
i can respect the protesting and the message they're putting out but it doesn't truely address the actual problem

i walked out of high school two years ago

to this day i'm still protesting

Yeah, so then why would you make it so that only the government should have them?

Taking away the guns is only treating a symptom and not curing the problem.

Some of the most deadly attacks on american soil had not one bullet shot or a gun used at all.

Do they even know what they're political goals are?
Or did they get told they should do it by the school staff.

When I was in elementary school, my school gathered us for an assembly meeting in our gym.
Here they explained to us on why we should go home and convince our parents, family, anyone
over the age of 18 to go out and vote for Obama, of course only focusing on simple things that children could
understand. "It's right because it's progressive" was a very strong push of this mindset.
This was no doubt illegal, but they got away with it, because it was the "right" opinion.

Using Children to instill guilt for wrong think, of course I fell right for it, because I was only 9 years old.

“To Conquer a Nation, First Disarm its Citizens”
This is a mindset that Riddler held strong, albeit only for "Non-aryans"
but to Riddler "Aryans" might as well have already been a part of his military.

It's easy to stomp on those without power, and every time there is a shooting, there is an attempt to grab some more of the gun rights.

A solution strongy held by democrats.
A problem caused by democrats in their "everyone wins a trophy" mindset.

This is a game to slowly take away rights and cause another Venezuela situation.

nothing like a dose of matthew's daily insane rants

imho if you take away guns, they're just going to find another way to cause harm, be it knives, bombs
i can respect the protesting and the message they're putting out but it doesn't truely address the actual problem
oh yeah don't associate me with that nutjob matthew, i think guns are still a loving issue but i don't think going about taking away every single gun is a good idea and there are better ways to address it instead of going that route (which would be both economically and practically infeasible)

Blaming guns for school shootings.
You kinda need one for the other.
so you're saying 7 minutes a day outside of school will prevent school shootings

Yes and it was far more meaningful than Matthew's forum pedantry

so you're saying 7 minutes a day outside of school will prevent school shootings

Lol no, it just raises awareness and is a push for action

Yes and it was far more meaningful than Matthew's forum pedantry

Lol no, it just raises awareness and is a push for action

"Please ban guns sir, it will stop bad things from happening"

« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:07:08 PM by Master Matthew² »

"Please ban guns sir, it will stop bad things from happening"

matthew is the reason i have a big heat blister on my index finger atm

matthew is the reason i have a big heat blister on my index finger atm
Thats the solution!
Shooters can't be evil if they have blisters on their trigger fingers!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:06:30 PM by Master Matthew² »

"Please ban guns sir, it will stop bad things from happening"

Thats the solution!
Shooters can't be evil if they have blisters on their trigger fingers!
dude can you even be a little more infuriating
you're like the perfect example of a person who continually browses /r/the_donald and calls those who disagree with him liberal cucks

i feel ashamed even to share common interests with you because it reflects negatively on me-- i don't want to even be associated with your views with a 500 mile stick and it disappoints me that there's people in this world who agree with you. do you just act this way to garner attention? just to be an outlier because you're so cool and edgy? do you purposely not try to follow the natural order because you just have to #resist #btfoliberals #whenyoutrollalibtardepicstyle?

seriously i want to drop a soldering iron on my richard every time i have to read your cancerous posts and you don't even bring up any valid or rational points. i haven't seen a proper argument without a blaring logical fallacy from you in a really long time

Matthew thinks that it's ridiculous students would protest for better gun laws but he also believes young people are trying to turn schools into Venezuela

for those of you who don't know the march for our lives is a protest for gun right or something to stop school shootings.
Am I understanding this to mean you didn't know what the protest was about?
Don't get me wrong here, I support right to assemble and protest, but the idea of people joining protests without even knowing what they're protesting worries me.

I don't get the assault rifle ban thing.
If people can only get semi-auto anyway, wouldn't it make more sense to ban the smaller guns that are easier to sneak into places?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the intention, idk.
Yes, smaller guns are easier to conceal, and this is why the vast majority of gun crime is committed with handguns

I don't get the assault rifle ban thing.
If people can only get semi-auto anyway,
Because people don't understand what semi auto means and the difference between it and full auto, and hearing the term "assault weapon/assault rifle" scares them.

I've read proposed assault weapons ban bills and they're total nonsense. The legal definition of assault weapon is defined by the presence of cosmetic features like pistol grips, forward grips, and barrel shrouds.

The last in that list is completely baffling to me, because the bill defines a barrel shroud as "a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel of a firearm so that the shroud protects the user of the firearm from heat generated by the barrel"

And that's illegal because.... not wanting to burn your hand makes you a terrorist....??????

The bill also completely bans, by name, the AR-15, but exempts from ban, the Mini 14, even though the two rifles are functionality identical (both semi auto, both shoot the same cartridge, both accept the same capacity magazines, etc). It's just silly to me

« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 12:40:55 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

dude can you even be a little more infuriating
you're like the perfect example of a person who continually browses /r/the_donald and calls those who disagree with him liberal cucks
I haven't called anyone a liberal cuck in a long while.

i feel ashamed even to share common interests with you because it reflects negatively on me-- i don't want to even be associated with your views with a 500 mile stick and it disappoints me that there's people in this world who agree with you. do you just act this way to garner attention? just to be an outlier because you're so cool and edgy? do you purposely not try to follow the natural order because you just have to #resist #btfoliberals #whenyoutrollalibtardepicstyle?

isn't resist for the commies?
Anyway I'm just saying what I say because it's true.

seriously i want to drop a soldering iron on my richard every time i have to read your cancerous posts and you don't even bring up any valid or rational points. i haven't seen a proper argument without a blaring logical fallacy from you in a really long time
You can't solder back what's already rusted.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:05:35 PM by Master Matthew² »