Author Topic: wtf why is matthew crossing all his posts  (Read 5552 times)

Because I believe who I've been subscribed to has influenced my character.

let's be 100% real here

most of the people here are degenerates and social recluses. why do you want those kind of people to shape your life? seriously if you think you have a character problem, then leave the forums and find your own way.

give me......... mor...... atteniton ploes..     whom should i ubsub next

un subscribe form all of them and subscribe to jerma985 and 2ndjerma

un subscribe form all of them and subscribe to jerma985 and 2ndjerma
equivalent of giving yourself autism

game grumps in 2018 lol

jerma is the only good youtuber gamer in existence. every other youtuber gamer is garbage

jerma is the only good youtuber gamer in existence. every other youtuber gamer is garbage

what do you watch? jacksepticeye? the diamond minecart?

jerma is the only good youtuber gamer in existence. every other youtuber gamer is garbage
objectively incorrect

brothers who watch venturiantale

what do you watch? jacksepticeye? the diamond minecart?

what do you watch? jacksepticeye? the diamond minecart?
i know u r being ironic but....

game grumps in 2018 lol
No longer any game grumps in my sub box in current year.


Man I forgot about him

He had like a green dragon with a camera as an avatar right?

Because I believe who I've been subscribed to has influenced my character.
Dude that's probably the saddest thing I've read this week