Private content, public release

Author Topic: Private content, public release  (Read 29733 times)

Using some high level programming logic, I've managed to reverse the pitch shift he applied prior to uploading his recording

This is probably actually very close to his real voice when you consider how much more natural the non-vocal cues like laughing/breathing sound in this version

Oh, thats even more stuff-teir. I was unaware that Hata was such a beta. Should have seen the red flags when he was sending me sociology diagrams over skype during normal conversations, but oh well.

Either way, I disagree that names should ever have a place in topic titles despite ownership.
The place for that is in the topic. The title is to mark the what, not the who. To expect otherwise is horribly egotistical.
You did the right thing taking the name out of the title.

This is probably actually very close to his real voice when you consider how much more natural the non-vocal cues like laughing/breathing sound in this version

Uh actually he sounds like the original clip.
As I mentioned above Ive spoken with Hata before.

pitch shifted up sounds like me 4-5 years ago lol

i hated how i sounded in audio recordings. apparently now i sound like generic white dude from america

I dont think Ive ever heard your voice Conan

I dont think Ive ever heard your voice Conan
didnt we talk in bcc for an hour or two about me praising entropy manor lol

Uh actually he sounds like the original clip.
As I mentioned above Ive spoken with Hata before.

Damn must've been using that voice changer for ages then Smh

didnt we talk in bcc for an hour or two about me praising entropy manor lol

forget, my memory. This is most likely true.

private mods are dumb anyways.

I seen a stuffload of awesome mods over the years and they never get released.

Then they just become lost and forgotten.

Ive literally edited LegoPepper's D-Smiley ball addon years ago to make the D-Angry ball and creditied him the same way Conan did for the Grapple Rope, but this was apparently "too far".
The D-Smley Ball was my add-on

lmao im gonna turn tommybricksetti's rant into a meme music loop for my server

I dont think Ive ever heard your voice Conan
ive only heard conans voice once and it was so powerful that my built in microphone had self esteem issues

The D-Smley Ball was my add-on
umm.. sorry sweetie i uploaded it to rtb first