Author Topic: Private content, public release  (Read 31032 times)

Like it’s either narcissism or an extreme lack of self awareness
they go hand in hand. Like actually read an abstract on narcissism and you'll see he fits exactly into every category. his behavior is basically documented fully

I know you're a pathetic loser irl, you can't like, trick me out of knowing that stuff haha.

Is your gauge of success based on online interaction? I dunno if you can call other people losers considering how much time you wasted bitching and not releasing your content.

Release all your add-ons or GTFO!

Also Hata talking about alphas and betas is funny. It shows how little he understands social interaction.

The problem with narcissism is that they can't actually face facts ever so nothing you say will ever get to them. Like, most people can have an epiphany and be like 'wow I might actually be wrong...' but narcissists can never reach that point

Essentially, he's going to keep responding to this topic endlessly because he both has something to prove and is completely unaware of his own faults. This drama is going to continue until we get tired because he never will

teach me the way of the alpha, o' bleak-skinned one

they go hand in hand. Like actually read an abstract on narcissism and you'll see he fits exactly into every category. his behavior is basically documented fully
Only if you take what I said out of the context of the situation, and who I actually am.

I already did the exercise of reading comments aloud, it should be obvious by now that I'm not an angry person.

Reading a 'negative' comment with anger or fear in your voice is gonna make it sound incrementally worse. I'm basically typing things out the same way I'd word them in person (but obv. in person I'd have a positive tone of voice and a positive facial expressions).

Plus, narcissism is actually a beta-personality characteristic. It has to do with self-hate and a desire for approval. If I was seeking your guys's approval, I'd never be anywhere near as blunt as I've been this whole time. I would've intentionally minded my words, to try to fit in. That's people pleasing, I don't even bother with that stuff.

person above quadruple gay

The problem with narcissism is that they can't actually face facts ever so nothing you say will ever get to them. Like, most people can have an epiphany and be like 'wow I might actually be wrong...' but narcissists can never reach that point

Essentially, he's going to keep responding to this topic endlessly because he both has something to prove and is completely unaware of his own faults. This drama is going to continue until we get tired because he never will

It's not really about getting through to him, it's about seeing how far he'll go to be right in an argument

That's people pleasing, I don't even bother with that stuff.
Which is evidently why you're a nobody trying to convince us that you're Mr. Big who should be respected/feared

i can actually back this up; megabear has legitimately had a girlfriend before who came back to him. Like i said you need to stop assuming how people act off of a whim
LMAO based sherif reaffirming my alpha status

this dude looks like my highschool english teacher

Plus, narcissism is actually a beta-personality characteristic. It has to do with self-hate and a desire for approval. If I was seeking your guys's approval, I'd never be anywhere near as blunt as I've been this whole time. I would've intentionally minded my words, to try to fit in. That's people pleasing, I don't even bother with that stuff.

If you didn't want people's approval, you wouldn't be calling me a loser . . .

Arguing is also a beta characteristic. It has to due with approval seeking. I'm not arguing, I'm dropping facts. If you take your ego out of the equation and look at the situation for what it is, emotions-aside, what I'm saying is reasonable.

"Why do you keep responding if you're an alpha"

Well, if language is code, I'm fixing your bad code.

I'm not pooing, I'm dropping logs