Author Topic: Playable Instruments  (Read 35463 times)

I really don't know as I've never encountered this error before.  Maybe try navigating back to the root folder in the file browser (the two periods .. at the top) and then back to songs?
I've tried that every time it saves, i've tried closing and opening the GUI, navigating to different files in the GUI, nothing changes.

Any console errors on the client or the server?

i cant for the life of me figure out how to play music
both local and server songs dont load even though they say "successfully loaded"

i cant for the life of me figure out how to play music
both local and server songs dont load even though they say "successfully loaded"
Click the songs tab then on the song and click play

col burton, could it be that you're adding the songs to a dedicated server? the game may not detect the files are there in the folder if you copy pasted the files in while the server is running. if so, run "setmodpaths(getmodpaths());" and that will fix your issue.

col burton, could it be that you're adding the songs to a dedicated server? the game may not detect the files are there in the folder if you copy pasted the files in while the server is running. if so, run "setmodpaths(getmodpaths());" and that will fix your issue.

no it won't

The server sends file data whenever a file is created, deleted, or modified using one of the built-in functions.  Files are not sent every time the client opens the GUI, or else that'd be laggy as forget

Click the songs tab then on the song and click play
i actually figured that out like right after i posted that but i forgot to say so
thanks anyway, hopefully itll be useful 2 other brainlets like me

col burton, could it be that you're adding the songs to a dedicated server? the game may not detect the files are there in the folder if you copy pasted the files in while the server is running. if so, run "setmodpaths(getmodpaths());" and that will fix your issue.
I'm not hosting a dedicated server, but I could see why you are thinking of that

i actually figured that out like right after i posted that but i forgot to say so
thanks anyway, hopefully itll be useful 2 other brainlets like me
You're welcome, I wish playing a song was a bit less clunky, i don't see why we gotta click the song to press play since the song is already loaded, not complaining though. first world problems

refresh button in files page
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 05:04:21 PM by exit »

why tf cant we play 4 octaves you have doomed us

If you want to play notes in a lower octave, heres the notes you can use

Lower Octaves


wat about higher than 5

Event_Instruments has been updated!

1.0.1 to 1.0.2
  • Instrument list is now based on hashes rather than instrument indexes.  This should fix saves breaking whenever an instrument is added or removed.

I love this add-on, I really do. I love making dumb improv. Now if only there was a practical way to get more than 2 octaves on a (computer) keyboard.