Author Topic: Just a suggestion for people that make bricks that mount on walls.  (Read 4084 times)

This is actually what I was trying to explain in my previous post lmfao

At some point I made a 'decal' brick that could be placed onto the side of the wall, which was just a brick in the water layer that's boundaries extended beyond the 'back' of the decal, which meant it could be placed inside walls and give the illusion that it was attached to the wall

the only problem is that it's in the water layer which means it can't be placed inside water layer bricks lol

Oh yeah I didn't see this lol

most of the time i'm not going to want to deal with a 1x4 having to fit into my wall somewhere, makes bricklines too

How often is /clearfloating bricks used? I've honestly never seen anyone use it, but I'm not trying to dismiss it.

How often is /clearfloating bricks used? I've honestly never seen anyone use it, but I'm not trying to dismiss it.

I have to use it all the time.

The issue is that bricks like this lose utility when they are attached to a brick. Instead of being able to use wall bricks in any manner, attaching them to any kind of wall surface, you would now be limited to the brick shape connected to it. Also, reworking bricks to accommodate for your preference is kind of a reach.

At this point the best workaround is either a floating bricks mod (which I already knew you dismissed), placing/deleting bricks with the new duplicator with either /cut or /tfp (which I know you called tedious), or the brick that Shift Kitty posted (which wont work within zones).

Floating brick mods is the best option since it removes the need for any supporting bricks. It can be made admin or superadmin only through preferences if you dont want random players placing floating bricks everywhere. Im also not sure why you would need to use /clearfloatingbricks if you are the only one building and if the Floating brick mod AND the New Duplicator have preferences to lock floating bricks to admin+ only.

To make the brick floating which exposes it to /clearfloatingbricks, exposes it to hammer/wand effects and exposes it to accidental CTRL-z which will break ALL CONNECTING FLOATING BRICKS.

Also, these issues were fixed. Check it out:
There are 0 reason to not use Floating Bricks at this point.

You could make a small zone brick, with collision enabled?

Similar to how ModTer works.

there's really no need for this when you can just use /tfp or floating bricks