Author Topic: SubDaWoofer, Obnoxious stuffposter  (Read 4266 times)

His Previous Drama

SubDaWoofer has been quite annoying for a while now. You might have known him as Blue Tie, where he particularly got on the nerves of many, such as in the Queeba discord. I was going to make and post this drama some time ago but I had taken a break from Blockland and I never posted what I had. I've composed what I gathered from then and made it now.

Part 1: Nuisance

i killed god by existing
everyone stop loving fighting or
mad hops disease being gay in this thread atm
what was it

the book?
your own mom
duude siiiick
person above lovetuple gay
Most of Blue Tie's posts consist of unfunny stuffposting on a large scale. It wouldn't be a problem if it was just a handful of posts at most. However there's indeed a problem when literally all you do is spam memes. Every thread he goes into he usually posts derailing or unfunny stuff.

Post after post is just more garbage. Take a look for yourself here if you oh so please.
Some threads he gets called out in or, if he makes them, he locks because of backlash. He's also made other various gold such as:
d ude i li e ke to f cucking sm eok t o o ak leave es goo d sh i  t
we                  ed
duuuuude weed lm a o
DUuuuuuuuDE we D lmA o
All of these quotes above come from the "weed" thread he made.
A wise rule to follow: if you have nothing to say to contribute, don't post. Woofer really needs to learn some self-control because the impression he gives off when he stuffposts something he thinks is funny for attention is not a good one.
dlete this s at n a
no u
Honestly, Blue Tie, your "humor" grows dry after the first 3 le funny meme posts. Stop.

Part 2: Discord

If you were to think Blue Tie's ebic crusade of trying to be funny was only on the forums, you'd be naive to suspect such a thing. These screenshots come from Anodyne where he consistently just posts memes and nothing else.

There's obviously more of this, but you can most likely see the theme of just general xD Random that he also carries in his posts. Usually he obtained backlash because of his stuffting up of the discord, such as when:

The admins get sick of his stuff.

He presumably got banned or left because he realized people didn't really like him there a few days before this drama I believe.

Part 3: Lol I'm 12
kek im 12 too

also log out
not gonna be 13 for like 2 more months aa
forget 12.04 i ruined the joke
no im 12.06
im precise
This last point isn't really significant but still something to note and is relevant to "my age is X argument" that a lot of people seem to use. Nobody gives a forget how old you are. If you act handicapped you'll be treated as a handicap. There's plenty of cunts on here who are 20+ and good users who are 12. The guy has an obsession over his age and on discord has used it as a justification for his spastic behavior before. It's not a valid point against your friendry so please don't use it, instead actually focusing on improving yourself as a person instead of justifying your bad behavior with excuses to make yourself feel better. You parade your age around constantly as a crutch. Stop it.

Blue Tie, you're not winning any brownie points with anyone by just spamming every topic with 1-3 word replies or some handicapped meme, and it's not helping that you make countless threads that are complete garbage. Your age doesn't mean stuff and you can improve your act 12, or 32. Don't continue to just bother people. I know you're taking a break from the forums but continuing to annoy people on discord and not realizing why you're disliked isn't gonna help anything.

e*n trolls yet another libtard epic style

Most of the posts you quoted seemingly went completely unnoticed by the other posters so this comes across like you just making a big deal over nothing tbh

great drama haha i laughed hes a dumbo good job

e*n trolls yet another libtard epic style
e*n is my codename, kid, don't leak it out
Most of the posts you quoted seemingly went completely unnoticed by the other posters so this comes across like you just making a big deal over nothing tbh
when it starts to add up into all your posts just being LoL Meme it kind of becomes a problem

Blue Tie changes his name like every 2 seconds but I can recognize him purely by his style of stuffposting and love for ss13

when it starts to add up into all your posts just being LoL Meme it kind of becomes a problem
Hardly. It just seems like you've got something personal against him so you wanted to try and put together a full exposé over pretty much nothing at all

when it starts to add up into all your posts just being LoL Meme it kind of becomes a problem
Seems like you were the only one to think it was enough of a problem to make a thread about it. His posts are stuff but honestly its not drastic stuffposting or flaming so in my opinion its not that big of a deal. Everyone has their own opinions on it though.

Seems like you were the only one to think it was enough of a problem to make a thread about it. His posts are stuff but honestly its not drastic stuffposting or flaming so in my opinion its not that big of a deal. Everyone has their own opinions on it though.
i see where you're coming from where they're really not that stuffposty individually but going thru his post-count it starts to add up
he's been banned from queeba's and a few other discords for the same behavior of just toxicity over time

i see where you're coming from where they're really not that stuffposty individually but going thru his post-count it starts to add up
he's been banned from queeba's and a few other discords for the same behavior of just toxicity over time
If this is your bar for 'obnoxious stuffposting' then there are about 50 active forum users you needed to drama before you got to this kid.

I went through all of the quotes in the OP and pretty much no other poster responds to anything he said. Dunno what your personal beef with him is but this topic is bad.

Hardly. It just seems like you've got something personal against him so you wanted to try and put together a full exposé over pretty much nothing at all
No, it's serious. Blue Tie is actually pretty critical on his mission to annoy literally everyone, even his once friends. Spamming memes and all of your posts being text or unoriginal image memes which follows him everywhere isn't the dirt on the pile of stuff, but his inability to take responsability is too. Call him our and he responds "dude weed lmao" or goes on a rampant tu quoue or whatever attack just to make people agree with him without actuay responding to any of your points.

Another thing: SS13. This dude would forget the physical form of the game, because hot damn all he used to do was spam HONK or bee memes wherever he went with his Androis Hell counterpart Twix or Kugelblitz. Celau probably made this because of the sheer annoyance he went through when blue tie asked him to host a space station 13 server everyday.

And unlike me, he doesn't get banned for being an actual minor or major nuisance or that no one tries to be reasonable, he gets banned for stuffposting nonstop over long periods of time while being asked to stop. A good example is Queeba's where he wont accept him back sheerly because the ditto-named little forgeter would turn general into a bots spam place and never stop.

Ok so where's the evidence of that in the OP? cause all eon managed to pull together was a string of nothing

he's been banned from queeba's and a few other discords for the same behavior of just toxicity over time
If you would've included that in the OP I would've probably supported it a bit more, is there any other information you left out of the OP?

If this is your bar for 'obnoxious stuffposting' then there are about 50 active forum users you needed to drama before you got to this kid.
I have to agree with this, many other people stuffpost on a much greater level than this random kid.

This dude would forget the physical form of the game
Out of the entire post you just made I read this and invalidated anything you said. Pointless banter makes your point seem less important, especially since its coming from you.