What was your most nostalgic memories in Blockland?

Author Topic: What was your most nostalgic memories in Blockland?  (Read 6398 times)

Wizzard's Dogfight was probably the first "long-term" server where it seemed like it was up every single day and always at the top of the server list. It was so fun to grab weapons from the spawn boat and go steal islands by flying over them with the biplane. You could just fly really slowly and shoot your gun from the wing of the plane to kill people on the ground.

skill4life's manly man challenges

this was more of a recent thing (2015ish) but i had this strange time in my life when mackthehunter started playing games with bones4, and i was naturally invited to play with them. at one point, we were bored and bones4 added loving FACECHILD to the skype call. i had this lulzy idea of joining a server with them but not mention anything about them tagging along. i swear, within minutes people found out both of them were on the server. we all roleplayed as bees first, the admins played along and built us a hive. just imagine 30 loving people with the smallest playerscale flying torwards you as bees.

then, somehow, we got their build trust and we took over their little town the built. this is when the RP turned from bees to hobos. i swear we had full on dumpster fires, tents, empty bottles of booze. it was possibly my favorite memory on this game. yes, i've had loads of fun with iEvent and stuff but this tops it all.

picture proof: (right click, view image for full res) facechild is hiding behind rings.

i just remembered a server where someone had modded the t+t pack to have super fast (not hitscan) projectiles and used sounds from mw2 as well as the spawn and game end sounds

Does no one else remember that one TDM that was hosted right before V21 aired where the Aviator Sub, RC Sapper, and the Sentries Add-on? It was hosted on Slopes..
i do o/

Wizzard's dogfight obviously

I remember there was this one time I tried to add firemod into a city roleplay thing I created at the time, and I tried to set a house on fire.

It missed and instead hit a more important part of the map behind it, so I tried to manually put it out (the watergun was already in my inventory so I decided to use that I guess)
I put it out and looked to my right to see that the whole loving map was on fire except for the 2 fires I had just put out

the 2nd server i joined was a slopes TDM, and one team had a wrench spawn that the admins were using to spawn OP weapons in the minigame fr that team, so my team was like "we need beter weapons, we need a wrench too!" so I went over to their base in stealth mode and got the wrench, and tried to brign it back to my base but i died :(

When I got kicked, because people thought I wasn't the real woof :3 because of the space in my name, and that was before I knew how to check your blid

my memory is horrible, so i guess my most nostalgia memory is one of the few i can recall: an island town rp. it was pretty fun. it kind of reminded me of the harbor in flapjack. the whole map was an ocean, but we built a town from ocean floor up.

I have a bunch of memories on Kreon's community Rp.

First, the admin announced to everyone that they were gonna change the environment and that it may crash some computers. Literally almost the entire server crashed, and there was a flood of words on the text area stated every player that was logged out from the game.

An even better memory was when two news stations (Madmen News or whatever and a knockoff Saints Row group) went to war with each other. Madmen out of nowhere dressed up in full body armor and stormed the neighboring station and killed almost everyone. It was glorious.

Things got worse later on, to the point where the entire ghetto part of the city was put under martial law because the shootings got bad over there. At this point I took on a gay Batman persona and killed (or handcuffed) any goons that I saw. The Saints (that's what I'm gonna call them) and the military decided to meet up to sign a peace treaty while some crooks tried to bomb the meeting. I was on a hill behind the town overlooking the whole event and fired a few rounds at the terrorists with a sniper rifle. The bomber managed to dodge my shots and climbed to the highest point of the bridge. Fortunately, before he was able to detonate anything, he fell to his death.

Before I finally dropped my persona I got myself caught up in a siege between a bunch of rednecks and policemen The rednecks trapped themselves inside a church. I would have smoked theme and beat em with my fists, but they didn't have any punching mods, so Instead I handcuffed everyone in the building and drove off before I was placed in jail by the admins.

During the rise of officerzach, a new server was created by the Kreon team and everything was going smoothly until a small group decided to form a militia and became a rebelllion of officerzachs that drove around in a green bus, shooting every policeman in sight.

And finally, I decided to do something stupid and entered the airport, which was a restricted area. I decided that I wanted to out run the police in a car filled with tons of gas. So I had the entire police force chase me, lose me, chase me again until I got caught in a forest after abandoning my car in the mountain region.

it was a morning in sep. 2010 and i very vaguely remember little me playing in the bedroom around the lamp before I had to go to school

When I learned that you could break the window in the bedroom and go outside.
TBH the kitchen had cooler secrets though so when I learned about those, that was pretty sick.

I've only been here for 2 years, but crown's jailbreak was so darn fun when it was popular, but now its gone.