Author Topic: Fortnite: Similar to Blockland salvage/fortwars  (Read 18047 times)

you should do a poll on how many times people have won so far (0, 1, 2-5, 5-10, 10-20 etc)

i've won just once so far, though i've gotten #2 at least twice
don't think tony rly looks back at this thread anymore... perhaps i could make a more "official" one? dunno if it's rly necessary since this already has 10 11 pages tho
I got 47 wins in total. Totally not bragging here guys.

Had a game where I clutched a duo game where my friend died early, had 15 kills. Wish I recorded it tho, it was crazy

2nd win bois

don't think tony rly looks back at this thread anymore... perhaps i could make a more "official" one? dunno if it's rly necessary since this already has 10 11 pages thowowe

that would be nice

a poll counting wins doesn't sound like a good idea considering a person's amount of wins is not static

that would be nice
aight cool i'll do it
a poll counting wins doesn't sound like a good idea considering a person's amount of wins is not static
yeah that's a good point, i'll probably try other types of polls instead

i dont think i'll ever be able to actually win this game; everyone on my steam friends list hates this game and my aim sucks too much to do anything good
plus my luck is absolute stuff, keep getting slaughtered by rocket launchers but i have never found them, or running into people who are l33t h4k0rz

Oh this thread is still alive.

i dont think i'll ever be able to actually win this game; everyone on my steam friends list hates this game and my aim sucks too much to do anything good
plus my luck is absolute stuff, keep getting slaughtered by rocket launchers but i have never found them, or running into people who are l33t h4k0rz

hide in a bush

probably gonna buy save the world it looks rly fun

just got anoter win ......... in save the world

probably gonna buy save the world it looks rly fun
its grindy as heck

why does the fornite mobile storm look like a blue forgetin blob

all the guys in my class constantly are jacking off to this game and boasting about their "wins"
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 12:21:01 PM by Luigi609² »

ITT people who don't know how the forget optimization works talk stuff about people's computers because "but I can run it fine!"
This is pretty true.

If you're trying to run the game at maximum settings, then maybe your PC just isn't that much better than a console.
If you're trying to run the game at medium settings, congrats, your PC is actually weaker than a console. Whether it be lacking sufficient hardware. Or a likely case is that you're running a lot of stuff background processes. Lack of knowledge of how things work at a basic level might lead to that.
You've never heard of optimization for consoles have you lol? Don't go around talking about how I'm 'toxic' when you're pulling things like this out of your ass in an attempt to make me look like an idiot. You're incredibly full of yourself.

At all times the only things running on my PC are discord, and steam. I think you should quit pretending that you know what you're talking about. I ran Phantom Pain at 90 FPS at the highest settings, and run this game at like 60 on the lowest settings (except for textures and models being on ultra) thanks to some optimizations I found online.