Author Topic: pie crust is back (again) 2: the squeakquel  (Read 21088 times)

Hey Toothed, what's up?

retweet if you think pie crust should have died that day


retweet if you think pie crust should have died that day
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hes too fat to hang himself on a tree

because he lied about killing himself
Well of course, but still, why come back to a community in which nobody likes you? If the entirety of this place disliked me, I'd leave; but maybe that's just me.

Well of course, but still, why come back to a community in which nobody likes you? If the entirety of this place disliked me, I'd leave; but maybe that's just me.
fishing for negative reactions, mostly
judging by his posts that looks to be the case

I don't understand why people still give him attention; that's literally the only reason he's here

I don't understand why people still give him attention
Said everyone about every troll and yet it still happens

It just can't be helped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

for every person on this forum that understands not to give an attention whore what they want, there's two more that just can't get it through their heads
as much as i hate to throw him under the bus, nix is a good example of this; like half of his forum-related problems would either stop or otherwise not be a big deal for him if he just stopped responding to people, but he just keeps doing it

i think it's mostly a mindset of "i can't just leave it alone, i have to prove myself."

i think it's mostly a mindset of "i can't just leave it alone, i have to prove myself."
ya i have to admit i had that kinda mindset too in the past, but when i learned to leave em be or find some humor in it instead of just getting in a never-ending argument i enjoyed my stay here more. i do still sometimes argue with some people but only if i believe i could legitimately give them a change of heart, otherwise i'd just rather not bother

pie crust just sounds like that one really annoying kid in school who makes love jokes all the time that nobody likes lol