Author Topic: Who here dislikes Weaboos?  (Read 739 times)

I'm not making this thread to bitch you out or try to educate you, I just want a consolidated list of people to avoid in the future.
Last night I was made very aware that many of you don't like me or think I'm an idiot for the fact that I'm a Weaboo, and that's fine, just please let me know who you are so I can stay away from you.

I don't think it's particularly fun to have a server of 30 people all yelling at me about how stupid/handicapped I am just because they don't like how I live my life. You can ask E-hentai; I didn't even say anything to trigger the attack, I was just minding my own business quietly helping them test their new visual novel when someone asked me if I was a "Lolicon Lover" and it all went downhill from there. I kept my cool, I was terse and straight forward, I didn't insult anybody, I just tried to defend myself briefly and left.

If any of you here feel you would do the same to me if you were in their shoes please let me know so I can avoid you.