Author Topic: a gal shot up the youtube headquarters  (Read 10282 times)

dont look at my stats
its ok conan everyone loves you here

most users spend like 30-40 minutes total on the forum, if you count the hours they stay logged in. im talking about the fact that tony will post once and then 10 minutes later will post again and will do that consistently from the morning until the night. there will probably be an hour break or two in between posts
If it were 10 minutes apart, then it would say he was online the whole time. The timeout for when a user stops clicking on things on the forum is 15 minutes.
So even then, if he's leaving and coming back frequently, then it's going to falsely build up his time spent online more than someone who only comes on here for one session and then leaves.

dont look at my stats
You only spend roughly 42 minutes a day. But you are a pretty old user. You may have taken some breaks. ;c
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 03:30:21 PM by Shift Kitty »

its pretty obvious that in order to spend 12 hours a day constantly responding you have to sacrifice your social life big time. asking "do you even socialize" and prompting another bout of trolling is stupid
meh half of this forum is troll/stuffposts, might as well reply
i mean i didnt go to blockland dot us not expecting a stuffpost, tony is funny, im glad he is back

edit: as long as youre not actually looking to argue about posts like that
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 03:52:33 PM by hootaloo »

dont call traps gay ever again or ill do it again

that's why I asked if he socialises at all, don't see why else a man in his 20s would be sitting inside on a lego game forum trying to garner reactions

literally two pages of posts today trying to do the same thing; why

Do you socialize at all? You gotta learn when to hold them and when to fold them.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 04:21:36 AM by King Tøny »

But wouldn't that island have a bunch of plants too?

But then he would be eating the animal's food.
Apparently... it was because of Adpocalypse
further proof that anyone who believes the adpocalypse is youtube's fault is a degenerate idiot-in-training

i understand everyone getting really pissed off about the whole adpocalypse situation, but holy hell you really have a problem if you actually want to go kill people over it

im sick of no blockland updates.  I'M GONNA DO IT BOYS

im sick of no blockland updates.  I'M GONNA DO IT BOYS
next blockland update: everyone gets loving banned