Author Topic: Parents Won't Let Me Buy a Skateboard because it's "too unsafe"  (Read 3565 times)

Help me- My parents think it's too dangerous to ride a skateboard. Trust me, I know it's ridiculous. I'm 15 years old, I'm not a kid anymore. Could anybody give me advice on how to change their minds? Feel free to write a message dedicated to them on here.
And yes, I know that's the most baloney rule ever. Nothing I can do about it.

not tryna be rude but age doesnt necessarily make something safer, nor does it mean it is still safe even if you are able to use it properly

not tryna be rude but age doesnt necessarily make something safer, nor does it mean it is still safe even if you are able to use it properly
Yeah I understand that, but I'm not the type of person that avoids safety gear. I wear a helmet.

my brother broke his arm at 17, and i broke my leg at 19; both on a skateboard. it's not safe.

my brother broke his arm at 17, and i broke my leg at 19; both on a skateboard. it's not safe.

i mean it's not safe to drive a car, but you probably do that anyways.

i mean it's not safe to drive a car, but you probably do that anyways.
yeah but its a lot harder to skate board than it is to drive a car and a lot easier to forget up

yeah but its a lot harder to skate board than it is to drive a car and a lot easier to forget up
you dont know what the forget youre even talking about

ive gotten hurt while in a car more than ive gotten hurt while on a skateboard

Tell them that attitude is totally uncool, skateboards are rad. Tubular, if I may

you'll shoot your eye out

skateboarding is unsafe, but so are most physical activities humans do. Personally I think the best way to approach this is to show your parents that not only do you understand the risks involved and are capable of learning from your inevitable mistakes but that you also understand your limits and will start things slow instead of going balls out and whacking your head on a concrete step. But ultimately your parents will still hold the final decision since they're the ones paying for any medical bills.

i'd say

"i understand and recognize the risks associated with skateboarding. i do believe that i'm old enough to make some of my own choices. i will try to be responsible"

Trust me, I know it's ridiculous. I'm 15 years old,


i mean it's not safe to drive a car, but you probably do that anyways.

how would you know

why do you want to skateboard?