
hawaii bill

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Author Topic: [news] [sensitive] hawaii bill allows terminally ill patients to commit Self Delete  (Read 4042 times)

As a side note, there is a theory that part of the reason Self Delete is considered a crime or a sin comes from a Marxist point of view of how the church manipulated the poorer people.

In the past, the church often touted rewards in the after life in exchange for virtue during life. Virtue often embodied working for the church for free, giving them money, working the lands of the peerage, and living in extreme poverty and suffering. Being poor and meek are common elements that the church has encouraged in their teaching. This helped keep down rebellion and the pesky task of treating people well….which greatly benefited the people in power.

However, if the afterlife contains release and reward, how do you keep the workers working and suffering and not killing themselves to get to the release faster.

You tell them it’s a mortal sin, and thus, anybody who does it, will not get to heaven. You only get to heaven after a lifetime given to your lord (or getting killed in a war).

As with many church doctrines, these found their way into various forms of legal requirements.

"yeah ill be put in a loving mental place with deadly criminals that may want me to even kill myself more instead of being given medication and loving put in a treatment area"

"are you telling me i get punished for breaking the law?"

"are you telling me i get punished for breaking the law?"

It shouldn't be a law though.

China has a law to prevent people from reincarnating.

How do you put laws on these things lol

attention seeking
who the forget seeks attention through this?

It shouldn't be a law though.

China has a law to prevent people from reincarnating.

How do you put laws on these things lol
yeah uhh you can't reincarnate without the governments permission so we'll just kill you again

*reincarnates again*

Self Delete is illegal so don't do it!

The law says you can't!
*picks up a dead corpse and puts it in a prison cell*

This is so messed up it's ridiculous

I wonder if Hawaii will get death tourism now

how is that sensititive its giving YOU the choice which I think is good because if im ill and suffering i would probably rather die

how is that sensititive its giving YOU the choice which I think is good because if im ill and suffering i would probably rather die

death isnt a funny topic
many families has been forgeted over by suicidal loved ones
i.e rather it be from depression or just some mental issue
i dont forgetin know

death isnt a funny topic
many families has been forgeted over by suicidal loved ones
i.e rather it be from depression or just some mental issue
i dont forgetin know

so you'd rather loved ones live in pain? as long as they're here at least you're happy, right?

so you'd rather loved ones live in pain? as long as they're here at least you're happy, right?
i didn't really know how to type this out
c'mon man

public stunts of course should not be allowed. it's a strain on city resources to stop you from causing a scene or scraping your body off the concrete. but if you just want to swallow some painkillers silently in your room, then it's fine.
Your body still has to be dealt with. Investigations still happen. And all the resources spent on your upbringing went to waste because you didn't live long enough to give back to society. Family members become distressed as well.
So it's a strain on resources no matter what way you look at it. When it comes to a terminally ill patient, there's no way for them to give back to society.